Comic-Con 2011: “Tin Tin” Panel Video With Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson Dan Koelsch, July 25, 2011 One of my favorite panels this weekend at Comic-Con was the Hall H presentation of The Adventures of Tin Tin, which was on Friday. Director Steven Spielberg made his first appearance ever at the convention, and producer Peter Jackson made a surprise appearance. Watch the videos of the panel after the break. Spielberg was given the prestigious Inkpot Award and a great highlight reel was shown of his work. After talking about Tin Tin, he mentioned that they thought about making the movie live action with just a CGI dog, but it didn’t work the way he wanted. They then showed what was supposedly video of the test footage, and it had a fake-drunk Peter Jackson trying out as Captain Haddock, with the CGI dog (which looked great, by the way) showing off and getting drunk himself before falling off the pier. Jackson then showed up at the actual panel. As you can tell in the video, both got standing ovations from the audience, and the footage from the movie was well received. Comic-Con Conventions Events Comic-ConPeter JacksonSteven SpielbergThe Adventures of Tin-Tin
Comic-Con News Round-Up 3: “Iron Man 3”, A&E’s “Coma”, “Doctor Who”, “Star Trek”, and More! July 9, 2012In the days and weeks leading up to San Diego Comic-Con, we the press get bombarded with emails with press releases about events, panels, and other happenings in and around the convention. We’ve rounded up some of the more interesting ones twice before (here and here), and we are going… Read More
Comic-Con Live Blog: FilmDistrict Panel July 21, 2011Our coverage of San Diego Comic-Con continues with a live blog of the FilmDistrict panel, which consists of Drive and Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark. The panel starts a 2:00 PM (though it may be a few minutes late), so read it below! Read More
No Hall H Panel For Marvel Studios At Comic-Con June 22, 2011Early last week, we told you that many major movie studios had decided not to devote their marketing efforts towards this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, and others were still on the fence, including Marvel Studios. Many of us thought there was no way Marvel could back out of Comic-Con with… Read More