Viral Video Round Up: Nick Fury, The Tumbler, Netflix, Chewbacca, Steve Carell, Andy Samberg as Robin, and More! Zach Oldenburg, July 31, 2011 The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. S.H.I.E.L.D. super-spy Nick Fury looks in the most unlikely of places for Avengers recruits in the new short from College Humor. YouTuber subaruwrxfan has exclusive video of the original, tan tumbler making a return at the Pittsburgh Dark Knight Rises filming. Apparently, he needs to repaint these suckers after what happened to the tumbler in the Dark Knight. Speaking of Dark Knight Rises, The NextMediaAnimation group has just released their ode to the new Batman trailer. Is it just me or is that Andy Samberg as Robin? FunnyOrDie just teamed up with actor Jason Alexander to raise awareness of the Netflix Relief Fund. Harrison Ford confronts an old, bitter co-star in this Jon Favreau-directed Jimmy Kimmel Live opening. The very hilarious guys over at Team Tiger Awesome just released a new video on titled, “Why Captain America Is Wrong About The Whole Giving Up Thing”. Here is another viral video from the new movie, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. This one documents a machete-wielding ape. CLICK HERE TO PROCEED TO PAGE 2 OF THIS WEEK’S VIRAL VIDEO ROUND UP!!Pages: 1 2 Fan Made Work Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos andy sambergCaptain AmericaCowboys & AliensCrackedHarry PotterJason AlexanderNetflixnick furyRise of the Planet of the ApesStar Warsteam tiger awesomeThe AvengersThe Dark Knight RisesViral videoViral Video Round Up
New Moon Trailer May 31, 2009May 1, 2010I know what you’re thinking. Dan, why do you care about New Moon? Well, for one, the Twilight saga books were pretty good. The film fell below it’s potential, but with a bigger budget and new director, I’m hopeful. I also liked the actors who played the characters. So, there’s… Read More
Viral Watch: Team Conan or Team Leno? Either Way, NBC is Dying January 12, 2010NBC has tried to embrace viral marketing by launching multiple campaigns for shows like The Office, Community, and even Late Night, but it seems that NBC is now shooting themselves in the foot. I’ll admit their not “launching” a campaign this time, but their recent handling of the Jay Leno-Conan… Read More
Cloverfield Actor in Super Bowl Commercial February 8, 2010Cloverfield was an international phenomenon, but it didn’t exactly propel any of its lead actors into instant stardom. You may have seen them in guest spots on TV or in some bad movies (see: Odette Yustman in The Unborn, or rather, don’t see), but otherwise, they have yet to truly… Read More