Rent “The Big Lebowski” through Facebook Zach Oldenburg, August 22, 2011August 22, 2011 If you asked me who I’d like to see team up with the Coen Brothers, I wouldn’t nominate Mark Zuckerberg, but that seems to be the case now that The Big Lebowski is available to rent through Facebook. Starting this week, the underachievers of the World can cash in 30 Facebook Credits and be invited into the new Social Theater. 30 Facebook Credits equals out to $3, which is the price of a new rental, but what this new Social Theater offers that rental does not is a new way to interact with all of your Facebook friends during the film. Viewers can “like” scenes , share their comments, and post favorite quotes, all in real-time, much like BD-Live.You can also invite up to 5 Facebook friends to watch the movie, and they’ll each save 10 Credits (one dollar) off the rental. So now you’ll be able to host your own showing without having to put on pants! Score.The rental is good for 48 hours but you must have Adobe Flash Player. All major browsers supported. Click the image below for more info. News Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News FacebookRentSocial TheaterThe Big Lebowski
Let Me In’s “Bloody” Viral Marketing July 14, 2010July 16, 2010To me, one of the best forms of viral marketing is that physical piece that gives the recipient a special feeling. Sometimes it’s a cell phone or a flash drive with confidential info. Perhaps it’s a wallet or a birthday cake. And sometimes, it’s a funnel…. with dried up blood… Read More
Featured App: George R. R. Martin’s A World of Ice and Fire December 5, 2012December 5, 2012There are a lot of characters in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire books and it can be challenging trying to keep track of them all. This is also true for the HBO adaptation of the books, A Game of Thrones. There are a lot of online… Read More
New “Super 8” App Reveals Hidden “Editing Room” May 9, 2011May 9, 2011With a month left before the release of Super 8, Paramount Digital Entertainment has released an app for Apple mobile devices. It’s called Super 8 (fitting huh?) and it turns your iPhone, iPod Touch and/or iPad 2 into a vintage Super 8 camera. There’s no doubt you’ll have endless hours… Read More