Lionsgate and Twitter Team Up For Screenings of “Warrior” Caleb Hamilton, August 31, 2011August 31, 2011 Lionsgate co-COO and Motion Picture Group President Joe Drake announced yesterday a special sneak preview program of their upcoming inspirational sports drama, Warrior, starring Tom Hardy (Inception) and Joel Edgerton (The Thing). And to promote the event, Lionsgate has teamed up with Twitter. Find out more after the jump.Warrior is turning out to be this year’s The Fighter, generating a lot of buzz in the blogosphere and beyond. Lionsgate will hold sneak previews of the new film Labor Day weekend, on Sunday, September 4th at 7 PM. To get the word out about the nationwide event, Lionsgate has turned to Twitter, sponsoring a Promoted Trend hashtag #WARRIORMovieSneakPreview, to allow users a direct link to buy tickets and continue spreading news about the film to their followers. People interested in seeing the film will be able to purchase tickets at“We are in a fortunate position in that the best promotional tool for this incredible film is the film itself,” explained Drake of the motivation to allow general audiences this special advance access. “This is truly a movie for everyone, and as we’ve screened it, people in all demographics- even those who might not have otherwise sought the film out- have been enthralled by its blend of triumphant, inspirational sports storytelling with poignant and powerful family drama.”David Spitz, who heads Distribution for Lionsgate added“Critics and private screening guests have shown extreme enthusiasm for this film in advance of its release, and we are honored to be able to share the experience earlier than promised with audiences everywhere, especially on a patriotic, family oriented weekend like Labor Day that fits so well with the themes of this particular film. We can’t wait to read the sneak preview audience’s tweets as they become the first consumers to share their reactions with the world.”Warrior will hit theaters September 9th! News Social Networks Viral Marketing Advance ScreeningLionsgateTwitterWarrior
Empire Magazine Tron Issue Includes 5 New Photos July 8, 2010In our Tron Legacy news round up on Tuesday, we mentioned how the newest issue of Empire Magazine featured two special covers for Tron. Well, it looks like the magazine also has new photo stills from the film, so hit the jump if you’d like to take a look. Read More
District 9: New clips and early reviews August 11, 2009August 12, 2009There’s only one word to describe the excitement that District 9 has created over the last week: amazing. This movie has gone from nothing to one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. But now for the news. “T-Meter,” which takes into account all the positive and negative… Read More
The First Trailer For ‘Chappie’ Is Here November 4, 2014November 4, 2014The first trailer for Neill Blomkamp’s third feature film has finally arrived online. Chappie stars Hugh Jackman (X-Men: Days of Future Past), Dev Patel (The Newsroom), Sigourney Weaver (Avatar), Sharlto Copely (District 9) and South African rapper-duo Die Antwoord. Blomkamp has written the screenplay along with his ‘District 9’ partner, Terri… Read More
Saw this movie at a screening and fell in love with it. Going to see it again once it comes out. Terrific!