Nike’s “Back to the Future” Shoe Missing Best Feature Caleb Hamilton, September 8, 2011 Yesterday we told you that Nike would be releasing the iconic Air MAGs from Back to the Future Part II. As predicted, Nike unveiled the shoes today; an exact replica of the shoes worn by Marty McFly in the year 2015, minus one very key feature. These are shaping up to be a major disappointment (at least in the fans’ eyes). More Details after the jump!First off, you won’t get these shoes easily. 1500 pairs will only be sold auctioned off on eBay, starting tonight at 8:30 PST on All net proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation to help fight Parkinson’s Disease. 150 pairs of shoes will be up for auction everyday until Spetember 18th. No word on a starting price for the auctions nor word of a general release.“We wanted to translate the excitement people have for the ‘greatest shoe never made’ and for the Back to the Future into positive action,” said Mark Parker, CEO of Nike. “But the long term objective is to raise awareness so the Foundation can achieve their goal of eradicating Parkinson’s disease.”“This project is exciting to me because it brings together three very passionate audiences: the Parkinson’s community, the sneakerheads and Back to the Future fans.” Said Michael J. Fox. But why would these be a disappointment? Here’s the kicker (get it?), these shoes WILL NOT have power laces!Photocredit: www.nicekicks.comHere’s a promo video Nike posted earlier: While these are for a good cause, what was the point in producing them if they aren’t going to have the power laces? All they do is sit charging up for an unspecified amount of time, then light up and blink for 5 hours. Perhaps patenting the power lacing design was just a business move to block competitors from actually making a functioning pair of shoes that tie themselves. All that matters right now is Nike stabbing millions of people in the back. Some of those people that have been waiting 22 years for these shoes, by the way.Will you be bidding on these regardless of the fact that they are power lace-less? I’m hoping for a 2015 release with power laces, I’m tired of tying my shoes manually.Source: NiceKicks Viral Marketing Back to the futureNikeShoes
Tron Legacy: Protest To Be Held at Press Conference? March 28, 2010March 28, 2010The much-anticipated Tron Legacy Encom Press Conference is being held in less than two weeks, but the question still remains as to what to expect. 42 Entertainment likes to do things big, as evidenced in their viral for The Dark Knight. New evidence has come to light that could mean… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Death Star PR February 26, 2013February 25, 2013We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
The Time Has Come: Avatarize Yourself January 7, 2010November 16, 2010As if Happy Meals weren’t enough, McDonald’s is now offering the chance for internet users to “avatarize” themselves. Simply upload a picture from your computer or Facebook page, follow a few steps in the program, and you’ll see what you’d look like if you were blue and lived on Pandora. The program… Read More