Ghostbusters re-release announced through Facebook Zach Oldenburg, September 14, 2011September 14, 2011 After laying dormant for four months, the official Ghostbusters Facebook page finally beat it’s marshmallow heart and released a new update:But what does it all mean? Find out after the jump. Well, 20 hours and four updates later we were graced with this trailer announcing that the 1984 classic is being re-released for the first time in 25 years on Halloween. Information is scarce, but constant status updates are telling us that we’re not far from being completely in the loop:I must say though, whoever is running that Facebook page is a really cool guy or gal, because this is the most interesting and geek boy way I’ve heard of a re-release. I’m totally in, so let’s hope they come to Chicago. News Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News GhostbustersHalloweenre-release
Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph” Gets 80s Commercial and Poster October 8, 2012October 17, 2012Disney seems to have a penchant for for making classic commercials to promote their films about toys. For Toy Story 3, we got a 1983 commercial for the “Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear”, as well as a Japanese version. Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph opens in theaters on November 2nd, and they have released a… Read More
Learn the Math Behind CBS Show Numb3rs February 21, 2010There are a lot of procedural shows on right now, shows in which a problem is introduced, investigated and solved all within the same episode (think CSI, Bones, almost every one hour show other than LOST). Many have gimmicks to try to separate them from the bunch (his partner is… Read More
New “The Virginity Hit” Thesis Website On Men September 16, 2010September 16, 2010Guys, this latest viral website for The Virginity Hit is about you. Girls, this website is FOR you. Sexual content is expected after the jump, although you probably guessed that by now. Read More