Twitter Powers Flight for “Pan Am” Kris, September 23, 2011 Twitter has gone from a simple social network to a power supply for Pan Am flights. Of course this has to do with Pan Am, the new show premiering this Sunday on ABC. Find out how you can win a retro Pan Am bag and unlock exclusive clips of the show after the jump. A sweepstakes for Pan Am is using Twitter to “power” a flight around the world. Every tweet flies over a thousand feet. You can get exclusive badges and other Pan Am content by logging into your Twitter account and tweeting the hashtag #PANAM. When you login through, and you undoubtedly enjoy the catchy music, follow the directions to submit one of your tweets. It’s a random drawing and you have to be following @PanAmABC when they start giving merchandise away. Every “departure” that is “now boarding” is really just the days you get to win certain prizes or unlock new clips about the show, so you can plot ahead if you really want some cool swag.Gotta love the 60’s. The show stars the lovely Christina Ricci, Margot Robbie, Karine Vanasse, Mike Vogel, Michael Mosley, and Kelli Garner. Visit their home page for trailers, clips, and the usual official teases. Contests Social Networks Viral Marketing ABCPan AmTwitter
Sony’s “Men in Black III” Viral Lets You Leave Another Message, This Time For Chinese Take-Out March 7, 2012April 1, 2012If you watched the new Men in Black III trailer that debuted this week, then you might have noticed the name of the Chinese restaurant featured in the beginning. For those that decided to snoop around, a website for Wu’s Diamond Garden Chinese Restaurant was found. Get the details after… Read More
Viral Video: “You Again” Cast Fight August 26, 2010The comedy You Again has a bevy of female stars of all ages, which usually means it would pander to soccer moms. However, the trailer looks pretty funny and director Andy Fickman has had some success in family comedies (She’s The Man, The Game Plan). The female leads also seem… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Villain Takes a Page from General Zod in Viral Video April 20, 2013April 20, 2013It’s easy to forget that Summer blockbuster movies open internationally, especially when the marketing that is not often tailored to them. Paramount’s Star Trek Into Darkness, however, has a viral video on a few international versions of Yahoo! and official Facebook pages where the antagonist John Harrison (played by Benedict… Read More