Details Revealed About Joss Whedon’s “Much Ado About Nothing” Dan Koelsch, October 25, 2011 Briefly: The Internet went wild Sunday night and Monday morning after hearing about Joss Whedon’s secret project Much Ado About Nothing, which had already finished shooting. Entertainment Weekly got more details on the project from interviews with Whedon and stars Sean Maher and Amy Acker. It turns out the film is just what we thought, a modern retelling of Shakespeare’s famous play. Be sure to read the EW article to find out how Whedon found the time to make the film during his busy schedule (he is currently directing The Avengers), as well as how he kept it so secret. News Joss WhedonMuch Ado About Nothing
Winter Is Coming, So Download The “Game Of Thrones”-Themed “Cards Against Humanity” Now May 30, 2014May 30, 2014Cards Against Humanity is just one of those games you feel dirty playing but can’t help but laugh while playing with a group of friends. The combination of cards that can be played in Cards Against Humanity is endless. Using answers like sharp witty and very dark humorous answers to… Read More
Wes Anderson’s Most Beloved Outsiders October 10, 2012October 9, 2012Moonrise Kingdom director Wes Anderson is a master at poignantly depicting those who are a bit different from most of the other characters in the world around them. Regardless of gender, era, and even species, Anderson manages to perfectly represent characters that we can all relate to in one way… Read More
Todo Movies App Reminds You Of Upcoming Movies June 14, 2012June 14, 2012I recently became the proud owner of an iPhone. With so many apps at my disposal it’s really hard to choose which ones to download before I max out my GB on it. But I’ll need to make room for an app that allows me to keep track of upcoming… Read More