Universal Buys “Grim Night” After Trailer Goes Viral Michael Lee, October 27, 2011October 27, 2011 You know your work never goes unnoticed when you have studios vying for your indie work. That’s what happen when Universal won the rights to Brandon Bestenheider and Allen Bey’s Grim Night. Basically the films is about two people who lock themselves in their homes in an effort to hide from creatures called Grims. But how exactly did a small indie trailer like this one end up in the hands of a major studio like Universal? Hit the jump to find out.Bestendeider and Bey along with producers Bryan Bertino (The Strangers) and Adrienne Brittle took a slightly unusual (but apparently effective) approach to the sale, releasing a trailer late last week to pique industry and public interest in the movie.Universal is taking a page from Paramount’s playbook when they marketed Paranormal Activity and judging by it’s success, the studio also wants a piece of the pie. But releasing the trailer was only a small part of their plan. The four waited for the Paranormal Activity 3 to make its predictable success last weekend in hopes that it pique Universal’s interest.The trailer went viral thanks in part to some horror sites which then lead Universal to make a six/seven figured deal for distribution rights. News Viral Marketing Viral Videos Alley BeyBrandon BestenheiderGrim NightUniversal
Super 8 Teaser Leaks Online, Official Site Launched May 7, 2010May 8, 2010Well, that didn’t take long. Today (last night?) we had the midnight showings for Paramount and Marvel’s Iron Man 2, and unless you saw it in IMAX (i.e. me), then you saw the teaser trailer for the J.J. Abrams-produced Super 8 (also from Paramount). If you didn’t see it, you’re… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Christmas Edition, featuring Home Alone, Spongebob Squarepants, And More! December 25, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
RAAAAAAAANDY Spin-Off In The Works August 2, 2009April 3, 2010Funny People was released last Friday, along with the final touch to the viral campaign, but earlier in the week, Judd Apatow announced that Aziz Ansari’s character would revieve a spin-off. Of course, the film’s likelyhood all depends on the success and reception of Funny People. Here is the exact… Read More