“Kill Cam Live”: The First Interactive Social Networking Film Caleb Hamilton, October 31, 2011 Inspired by the success of the Paranormal Activity franchise, up-and-coming director John Darko, has been working on a unique social horror project that follows a group of college students as they participate in an experiment to study the effects of solely communicating through social media…until something goes wrong. You can get involved too! To find out how, hit the jump.Kill Cam Live is the first of its kind, intertwining social media and real time interaction with aspects of the story and characters. Starting tonight, October 31st, you can head over to Killcamlive.com and watch the first videoclips when they’ve been uploaded. Afterwards, you can follow along with the story and interact with the characters via Facebook and Twitter (@Killcam_Live).Feedback from the audience will influence the outcome of certain events in the film, which will play out over a course of eight weeks. Be advised: Kill Cam Live is intended only for mature audiences. You can watch the first episode below:http://youtu.be/K8SNi4CHqdoSource: Dead Central Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos FacebookKill Cam LiveTwitter
Prometheus: Weyland Industries Adds Investor Information Page March 22, 2012March 22, 2012After we got two new images for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus, the Weyland Industries website has been updated to include a page on Investor Information, and it is quite extensive. There is only a small section on Project Prometheus, which you can check out after the jump. Read More
New Posters for Surrogates, 9, and 2012 July 2, 2009July 2, 2009I know what your thinking. Posters? Who cares? Well…I do. It’s rare to get posters for three films we are covering in one day, and these are actually pretty cool. First up, we have the first official poster for Surrogates. Click on the image for a larger version. Next we… Read More
“Thor: The Dark World” Ultimate Mentor Contest Conducting Search For The Next Jane Foster October 1, 2013October 1, 2013Being a geek is no longer synonymous with being a dude. That has changed, and now a new contest to promote Marvel Studios’ Thor: The Dark World will give young girls the chance to become the next Jane Foster. Just don’t expect a date with Thor. MARVEL’S THOR: THE DARK… Read More