Operation Early Bird Leads to Early Screenings of “The Dark Knight Rises” Prologue Caleb Hamilton, December 9, 2011December 9, 2011 Earlier this week, two mysterious CIA documents were “leaked” online. It was quickly revealed that these had something to do with The Dark Knight Rises. A third document, tweeted out yesterday by The Fire Rises, mentioned a black ops mission called “Operation Early Bird”. This lead to the discovery of a website and a countdown, which ended today. So what exactly is Operation Early Bird? Hit the jump to find out.When the countdown clock hit zero, a blank map appeared at the Operation Early Bird website. Below the map you can enter coordinates. But there were no hints as to where to find the coordinates or what would happen when entered.Several people found that if you head over to the film’s official website, an audio clip plays which gives out coordinates to enter at the Operation Early Bird site. Once entered, a location on the map is covered with a little green dot. From there, you can go to Gofobo to reserve passes for an “early” (it’s at 10 PM) screening of the opening sequence of The Dark Knight Rises next Tuesday, December 13th. This event follows a press screening held last night at Universal Studios: Hollywood, where director Christopher Nolan introduced the sequence. Next week’s event also gives more people a chance to see the footage since it is only playing before Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol at 42 IMAX theaters across the U.S., Canada and the U.K.The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters and IMAX July 20th, 2012! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Operation Early BirdscreeningThe Dark Knight RisesWarner Bros
“Godzilla” Trailer: You’re Hiding Something Out There February 25, 2014February 25, 2014So after a couple of small viral campaigns to drive up some anticipation, Warner Bros. has released the first full trailer for Godzilla. Hit the jump to see it. Read More
Avatar: New Ad and Interview with Colonel Quaritch November 23, 2009November 25, 2009Thanks to one our readers, we have found the YouTube channel for the Coke Zero Avatar tie-in that seems to be the source behind the viral so far. Alex reported on AVTR.com a while ago, which is also connected with Coke Zero. Other than the occasional update not much has… Read More
2012: Could the Viral Be Over Already? November 11, 2009November 11, 2009OK, so maybe “already” is a harsh word, but it seems like at least the conspiracy part of the viral is wrapping up today. As we reported earlier, Professor Meyers (the Theorist from Corruption Theory) is dead, and now Soren Ulfert is done. According to his latest (and last?) blog… Read More