J.J. Abrams Puts You in the Action With “Action Movie FX” App Dan Koelsch, December 25, 2011December 25, 2011 Have you ever wished that your life was more like an action movie? Well, now you have the chance to take a step closer to that dream with the iTunes app Action Movie FX from Bad Robot Interactive, J.J. Abrams’ company. Take video with your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad and the app adds in one of two special effects to liven it up. More details after the jump. The free app was released earlier this week to coincide with the J.J. Abrams-produced Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, and includes two options for special effects: Missile Attack or Car Smash. More effects can be bought as an in-app purchase. The app is pretty cool, and even includes music and lens flare. Watch an example from Mashable below: Viral Marketing iTunes AppJ.J. AbramsMission: Impossible Ghost Protocol
Gallery 1988 Handing Out “Fringe” Benefits December 10, 2012December 10, 2012J.J. Abrams‘ sci-fi cult hit Fringe is just a few episodes away from the series finale, and fans are doing all they can to take in every single moment of every single episode while they still have a chance. For those who may not follow the show, Fringe centers on… Read More
This Week In Viral: Terminator Viral Ends? May 25, 2009April 30, 2010Terminator Salvation opened this weekend, and thus another viral ends. Or does it? One of the challenges of covering viral campaigns is knowing when they really end. Read more… Read More
Toy Story 3 DVD Bonus Videos Revealed October 12, 2010The biggest animated film of all time is coming to DVD and Blu-Ray in just a few weeks, but the official Toy Story 3 YouTube page has revealed some previews of the bonus videos that are featured on the DVD. Watch the videos after the break. Read More