Check Out The “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol” Mask Maker Dan Koelsch, December 28, 2011 If you haven’t had enough fun with the UK website for Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, then we have one more activity you can waste your time with. Get the details on the Mission: Impossible Mask Maker after the break. One of the signature plot devises of the Mission: Impossible series is the use of detailed masks to go undercover and be whoever they needed to be. The Mask Maker app on the film’s UK site mimics that ability to put you in the action. As the press release explains, “Mask Maker uses cutting edge FaceGen and Beyond Face Reality technology to turn your pictures into a 3D mask of you face, then places them into CCTV footage, allowing you and your friends to be a part of the story”. Below is a video to showcase what the site does. It’s a pretty neat time waster, especially if you try out celebrity faces (I used President Obama and found it quite humorous). And, of course, there are multiple ways to share it with your friends online.Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is in theaters now. Follow the film on Facebook and Twitter. Social Networks Viral Marketing Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocolonline game
Ben Stiller Brings Back Zoolander for SNL October 10, 2011On this weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live, Ben Stiller hosted to promote his upcoming comedy Tower Heist. While the reviews were mixed, we were a few highlights, including Derek Zoolander making an appearance on Weekend Update, as well as a parody trailer for Moneyball. Check out both clips after… Read More
Win A $1 Million If You Throw 100 MPH At Disney’s “Million Dollar Arm” Pitching Contest April 22, 2014Million Dollar Arm is based on JB Bernstein’s travels to India to find new baseball talent in hopes of keeping his sport agency alive. In a country known more for the sport of Cricket than baseball, he found two exciting pitching prospects thanks in part to a reality show competition… Read More
Save the World From the Aisles of Walmart with The Avengers AR App! April 27, 2012April 27, 2012Imagine yourself strolling down an aisle at your local Walmart. You’re minding your own business, checking out the sweet HDTVs lining the wall, when all of a sudden, you’re confronted by Loki, the God of Mischief himself! What do you do? You don’t have any superpowers or a robotic suit… Read More