Three New “Hunger Games” Viral Motion Posters Michael Lee, February 11, 2012February 11, 2012 We are a little under two months away from the release of the highly anticipated adaptation of The Hunger Games. We’ve been extensively covering the viral for this from top to bottom, making sure nothing was missed, and now we’ve got some very new updates to The Hunger Games Viral. Three flashy posters have appeared online all feature the flashy, ostentatious, and debonair men of The Hunger Games. Hit the jump to see the latest motion posters.Below are posters for Seneca Crane (Head Gamemaker of the Hunger Games), Ceaser Flickerman (Hunger Games interviewer), and Katniss Everdeen’s personal stylist, Cinna. Check them out below.The Hunger Games will debut in theaters and IMAX on March 23rd. May the odds be in your favor. Viral Marketing Viral News The Hunger Games
Tron Tuesday: Daft Punk’s “Derezzed” Music Video October 26, 2010It’s Tuesday, which means that Disney has released yet another Tron: Legacy promotion. This week we have the music video from Daft Punk for the song “Derezzed”. The video includes clips from the film and an intro by Michael Sheen asking Daft Punk to electrify the audience. Click the jump… Read More
“Puzzles” is Finally Open! January 2, 2012January 3, 2012During tonight’s episode of How I Met Your Mother, Ted and Barney spontaneously decide to open the bar, Puzzles, which they discussed (while drunk) back in the 2009 episode, “Three Days of Snow”. When they open it in Ted’s apartment, hilarity ensues. If the episode itself isn’t funny enough for… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Site Discovered In Teaser Trailer December 17, 2012December 17, 2012Last week, we got our first look at Star Trek Into Darkness, J.J. Abrams’ follow up to his 2009 hit, Star Trek. If you saw The Hobbit over the weekend in IMAX 3D, you got to see the first 9 minutes of the film. Today the teaser trailer that was… Read More