New Film Clip Revealed Through Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Campaign Dan Koelsch, February 18, 2012March 21, 2012 Mark of the Spider-Man, Sony’s viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man, has been in full swing this past week by having fans in six locations “tag” walls with Spider-Man graffiti. Now that all locations are finished, what’s next? How about a clip from the film itself? The official MOFSM website was updated yesterday to show that all six cities (Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, and Seattle) had completed their tagging assignments. If you click on the Spider-Man symbol below the images and message in red text, a YouTube video pops up that shows a clip from the film. Watch the clip below.The YouTube account is appropriately titled MarkoftheSpiderMan, and I recommend subscribing in case there are more updates or clips provided in the future. We’re still waiting to see what the next step is for the campaign, so stay tuned! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Mark of the Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-Man
Empire Releases Four Teaser Images For “The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn” October 30, 2010We finally have our first images from The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn. The film is still 14 months away from its release but the people at Empire has released four teaser images that shows us how detailed the motion capture movie will be. You can view these… Read More
Strange Interactive Site For Park Chan-wook’s ‘Stoker’ Lets You Read Letters To India November 29, 2012November 30, 2012We’ve posted a trailer for Park Chan-wook English language debut Stoker earlier this year. There were subtle hints of Alfred Hitchcock and Brian Del Palma woven into the fabric of this psychological thriller. Now a new interactive site welcomes you into the world of the movie. Hit the jump to… Read More
“Skyline” Takes To YouTube For Final Marketing Push November 12, 2010November 12, 2010Universal Pictures’ and Rogue’s Skyline takes the latest trend in movies choosing high concept plots and stunning visuals over big names and takes it to the next level. The most recognizable name in the credits for this alien invasion film is probably Donald Faison of Scrubs fame, but the impressive… Read More