New Film Clip Revealed Through Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Campaign Dan Koelsch, February 18, 2012March 21, 2012 Mark of the Spider-Man, Sony’s viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man, has been in full swing this past week by having fans in six locations “tag” walls with Spider-Man graffiti. Now that all locations are finished, what’s next? How about a clip from the film itself? The official MOFSM website was updated yesterday to show that all six cities (Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, and Seattle) had completed their tagging assignments. If you click on the Spider-Man symbol below the images and message in red text, a YouTube video pops up that shows a clip from the film. Watch the clip below.The YouTube account is appropriately titled MarkoftheSpiderMan, and I recommend subscribing in case there are more updates or clips provided in the future. We’re still waiting to see what the next step is for the campaign, so stay tuned! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Mark of the Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-Man
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Chracter Names Revealed On Trading Cards December 11, 2014December 11, 2014Normally we’d learn about characters through the source material, a plot synopsis, or straight from the cast or crew. But given that everyone is so tight-lipped about Star Wars: The Force Awakens, trying to get information like names of the characters is next to impossible. We already know that the… Read More
Concept Art Revealed for Disneyland’s TRON Show, To Be Titled “ElecTRONica” September 1, 2010Early last month, we told you about how Disney was looking cross-promote the upcoming Tron Legacy with their Disneyland California Adventure park via a nighttime show of some sort. Now we have a few more details on the show, to be titled “ElecTRONica” (clever, no?), as well as pretty crazy… Read More
First “Looper” Mission Reveals New Image, Plus New Viral Website for Maxx Labs August 22, 2012As we warned you last week, today was the first Looper Network mission, and the reward was a production image from the film. Get the details after the break. Read More