Donate Money to Create “Jedi Camp” Dan Koelsch, February 21, 2012February 21, 2012 A Kickstarter campaign has begun to raise funds for Jedi Camp, a web series that follows kids as they go to a special summer camp to learn the ways of the force. Get the details after the break. The project, created by FirstGlance Films, is a six episode web series that stars various unknown kids, Leah Cevoli (Robot Chicken), and Camden Toy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). You can learn more about the project at their Kickstarter page, official website, and the video below.As described on the site, the project deals with the topic of bullying:What makes this project different from many Star Wars Fan films is this web series deals with the issue of bullying and how a group of young children deal with the implications of bullying. We believe using Star Wars as a theme will entice both adults and kids to watch a series with this important message. If you or a loved one were ever bullied growing up, this project is one you should help fund.As of the writing of this post, only $615 of the $8,500 goal has been met, so if you want to support the series, get your pledges in by March 5th. Fan Made Work Viral Marketing Viral News CrowdsourcingJedi CampKickstarterStar Wars
Viral Videos: Iron Man 2 Alternate Takes and Avatar as a Horror Film May 5, 2010May 5, 2010Today we have two viral videos that focus on the recent films we’ve covered. College Humor takes a humorous look at what the alternate takes would look like of the Iron Man 2 scene where Stark jumps out of the plane. We also have a fan made trailer thanks to… Read More
“The Dark Knight Rises” Teaser Trailer Has Some Familiar Chanting; Great Fan Poster For The Batman Trilogy July 18, 2011July 18, 2011Finally, after a teaser viral, a teaser poster, and an entire weekend of waiting, we finally have the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. WB released the trailer on the official Facebook fan page for The Dark Knight Rises, so naturally there is no embed code. But turn that frown… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Check Out This Coffee Table Portfolio For A&E’s “Bag of Bones” November 26, 2011A few weeks ago we told you about a viral campaign for A&E’s upcoming two-part miniseries “Bag of Bones,” based on the Stephen King bestselling novel. Since we published that story, we received a very interesting and high-quality coffee table book with photos from the Dark Score Stories website. The… Read More