Featured App: ‘5th Coach’, The Facebook App For The Television Show, “The Voice” Zach Oldenburg, February 22, 2012February 22, 2012 NBC’s “The Voice” had it’s season two premiere a few weeks ago, and to celebrate, they’ve gone viral and released their very own Facebook App. Aptly titled “5th Coach”, the app puts you, well, into the role of the 5th coach, and allows you to build your team of artists, make coaching decisions, compete against friends and family, and even earn points and rewards, like band-aids and hair ties. To see a breakdown of the app, hit the jump. Upon hitting play, the game has you pick your team of artists. I must pick within 4 weeks, or the artists decrease in value. It seems to me that they made the app to correspond with the show. Like a fantasy league, but with less football and more Adam Levine.When you’re flipping through and choosing your team, the button that selects the artist could not be more awkward. Case in point: After choosing my team (of entirely women), I was prompted to return to the app for the battle rounds, which were coming soon. Get outta here. So I’ve gotten this far into the article and I can’t even proceed? You make me laugh, NBC. Like I stated though, the app does sync with the show, so when the battle rounds begin, the next portion of the app will open up.I can see this being of use for anyone who actually keeps up with the show, because it’s an interactive way to draft your own team of artists and win prizes, like Capri Sun pouches and coffee creamer cups.I won’t rate this app though, because it would be unfair. It’s just getting started, baby. “The Voice” airs 8/7c every Monday on NBC. Apps 78Featured AppmondaysNBCthe voice
Solve Riddles In New Web Game For “The Hobbit” October 6, 2012October 5, 2012“Riddles In The Dark” is the fifth chapter in J.R.R Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and it plays a pivotal role in both that novel and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo Baggins falls into a dark passage, where he finds the infamous gold ring. Gollum wants to eat the hobbit,… Read More
Disney’s Newest Social Game Features Content Inspired by Upcoming Film “Chimpanzee” April 13, 2012April 13, 2012Disneynature’s newest True-Life Adventure film, Chimpanzee, takes viewers into the forests of Africa, following the story of a young chimp named Oscar who was abandoned by his family. In support of the new movie, Disney Social Games has incorporated key scenes from Chimpanzee into their newest game, Disney Animal Kingdom… Read More
TV & Movie Apps: Fox’s “Own the Moments”, Reading Rainbow, and Cartoon Network June 23, 2012June 23, 2012A few movie mobile apps have been released lately, so I wanted to spotlight them all here in one post. Fox Digital Entertainment released an app called “Own the Moments”, LeVar Burton final brings the world a Reading Rainbow iPad app, and Cartoon Network will start having a live TV… Read More
Have you picked a winner yet? Apparently, you get more points the earlier you do it. I was going back and forth between two choices. I have friends who somehow picked two, and I’m wondering how the hell they did it…
the app to correspond with the show. Like a fantasy league, but with less football and more Adam Levine.