Sony’s “Men in Black III” Viral Lets You Leave Another Message, This Time For Chinese Take-Out Dan Koelsch, March 7, 2012April 1, 2012 If you watched the new Men in Black III trailer that debuted this week, then you might have noticed the name of the Chinese restaurant featured in the beginning. For those that decided to snoop around, a website for Wu’s Diamond Garden Chinese Restaurant was found. Get the details after the break. As you can tell from the trailer, this is no ordinary Chinese restaurant. Take a look at the menu on the website, and you’ll notice that the food looks…exotic to say the least. Mr. Wu himself, played by Keone Young, is featured on the website. You can play a game called Bop-A-Bulba, which has you smacking an alien in the restaurant’s kitchen whenever it pops up. Finally, you might have some fun calling their number (1-877-300-0040) and leaving a message with your order.This is the second component to the “Men in Black Suits Are Real Experience” to include a phone number for you to leave a message. We reported yesterday that viral posters had shown up with a number from BugEyes to leave a voicemail with your sightings of the Men in Black.Click here to follow our complete coverage of the Men in Black III viral campaign. Men in Black III opens in theaters on May 25th in 3D. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Men in Black 3SonyWu's Chinese Restaurant
Viral Video Round Up: Andrew Garfield, Inception, Captain America, Cowboys & Aliens, LOST, and More! July 24, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Viral Videos: Resident Evil Literal Trailer and ’80s Bullies May 16, 2010Remember how awesomely bad movie bullies were in the Eighties? From Karate Kid to Teen Wolf, no high school or college movie could go without one. The Huffington Post has created a great montage of your favorite ’80s bullies. Popular YouTuber Tobuscus has a series in which he makes literal… Read More
Character Posters for “The Great Gatsby” Released on Facebook In Preparation for New Trailer April 3, 2013We are just a mere 4 weeks away from the release of director Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of the 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby starring Leonardo Di Caprio, Carrey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire. Leading up to the new trailer being released tomorrow, Warner Bros. has rolled out some… Read More