Trailers Weekly: “Chernobyl Diaries”, “The Assault”, “Dark Shadows”, “The Avengers”, and “Prometheus” Michael Lee, March 17, 2012December 27, 2012 Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. We got the first trailers for the Chernobyl Diaries, Dark Shadows, and The Assault. We also have a very special Japanese trailer for The Avengers. Finally the trailer everyone has been waiting for, the second trailer for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Hit the jump to see these trailers.Chernobyl Diaries At first you would think that Oren Peli would go shooting the movie in a found footage style, the movie seems like it was tailored for it. But upon a closer look we see that it is a hybrid of traditional film shooting and found footage. As a result, the movie looks pretty good, but the scares don’t come off nearly as scary on a computer screen as they do on the big screen.Dark Shadows Warner Bros. has made us wait and wait and wait for this trailer, and in the end it paid off. Tim Burton’s insanity is a great fan service to all geeks and freaks. Like most of Burton’s films, Dark Shadows comes off as a quirky creepy comedy that the whole family can enjoy. With everything that has been revealed in this trailer, it looks as though Dark Shadows is an upgrade from Alice in Wonderland. The Assault In 1994 there was a bold hijacking of Air France, and an elite SWAT team (in France, the GIGN) were called in to storm the plane and rescue the passengers. The Assault is the story of how the events progressed. The movie combines dramatic footage shot on the set with archival footage from the actual event.The Avengers As if The Avengers wasn’t jam packed enough, this specially cut trailer for Japanese theaters seems to top all of them with excellent looks at the S.H.I.E.LD. Helicarrier, Maria Hill, and a very cool cameo. I won’t go into any more details, but just know that The Avengers should live up to all these trailers. Prometheus The trailer that everyone has been waiting for, adds even more footage, but also even more mystery. The newest Prometheus trail runs at 1:11, again very short for a trailer, but the visuals look spectacular, and even the characters in the movie look mesmerized. I can’t wait for this movie to come out.What did you think of this week’s trailers? Which was your favorite? Do you agree with the Internet buzz? Of course, every week there are a lot more trailers, teasers, TV spots, and clips that we can’t cover, so go to to see your favorites. You can also download trailers in HD at, or the new iTunes Movie Trailers App on your iPhone or iPad. Features Trailers Weekly Chernobyl DiariesDark ShadowsPrometheusThe AssaultThe Avengers
The Buzz: Interstellar, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Hobbit, and More! June 8, 2013June 14, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
Trailers Weekly: ‘John Wick,’ ‘The Theory Of Everything,’ And More October 4, 2014October 4, 2014Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. We’ve got trailers from John Wick, Justice League: Throne… Read More
For Your Reconsideration: The Time Machine (2002) June 15, 2013June 14, 2013Do you always agree with the general populous when it comes to movies? Then our newest feature, For Your Reconsideration, may not be the right one for you. Twice a month, I will provide my own review to a poorly-reviewed movie that I actually like. Hopefully my reviews will inspire… Read More
Dark Shadows fever is finally back! Whether you like the trailer or not, you will enjoy my original song called “Barnabas Collins”. It preserves the original feel of the nature of Barnabas. You can check it out here:
Actually, the Prometheus trailer above is the IMAX trailer. The true second trailer is to be released shortly, and it clocks in at 2 and 1/2 minutes.