Ridley Scott Talks About Next Stage of Prometheus Viral Campaign in Empire Magazine Dan Koelsch, March 28, 2012 Ridley Scott’s Prometheus is featured prominently in the new issue of Empire Magazine, and Scott talks about the film’s viral campaign for a bit. For us waiting to see what’s next, this should wet your whistle a bit. Read what he had to say after the jump. We thought it would be a good idea to advertise and never mention the movie. That’s why we opened up to TED. That went down extremely well, and it’s a good trick we learned from advertising. The next one will go out and talk about David, the Michael Fassbender character. Again, it’s utilitarian advertising on a laptop where suddenly this guy is talking to you about being a robot, and you don’t know what the f*** he’s talking about. At the very end he has a fingerprint that he puts onto the screen, and in his fingerprint, in his natural skin, is a ‘W’, which is for the Weyland Corporation.We’ve seen bits about the new David android model (played by Michael Fassbender) through the Weyland Industries website and a the video found through the business card given out at WonderCon. Hopefully this means Fassbender has a bigger part of the viral campaign than originally expected.Speaking of Weyland Industries videos, Damon Lindelof mentioned in Slashfilm‘s WonderCon interview with the film’s writer that a longer version of the Peter Weyland TEDTalk video will be released on the Prometheus home release (Blu-ray and DVD).As always, we’ll keep an eye out for any more developments. Catch up on the campaign and read all our coverage of the the film on our Prometheus Hub.Source: Anton Volkov ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing PrometheusWeyland Industries
2010 MTV Movie Awards: Scarlett and Sandra’s Kiss And Tom Cruise Are Best Parts, Our Viral Favorites Lose, New Harry Potter Trailer and Eclipse Clip June 7, 2010The MTV Movie Awards aren’t exactly respected for being, well, real. They have outlandish categories like “Best Kiss”, and the winners are just whatever 12-14 year old girls are currently obsessed with. This year’s event, held last night, was more of the same, as the latest Twilight edition, New Moon… Read More
Reviews “A Million Ways To Die In The West” Review: MacFarlane’s West Could’ve Been Wilder, But It’s Still A Fist Full of Funny May 30, 2014As a huge fan of Seth MacFarlane‘s humor in general, I looked forward to seeing his comedic spin on the Western genre with his sophomore directorial effort, A Million Ways to Die in the West. He’s done a fun job skewering and paying homage to a slew of well known… Read More
Iron Man 2 Gets Promoted By Chocolate And Beyond April 4, 2010April 4, 2010Just about everyone loves Hershey’s chocolate and Stark Industries seems to finally understand it’s potential in advertisement. That, or Tony Stark, unlike batman, really likes chocolate. Hershey’s isn’t the only promotion for Iron Man 2 because Stark Industries knows that you need something to drink with your chocolate while watching… Read More
–More highly skilled, over-produced, over-designed, decades stale tech worship and predictive programming from capstone servant supreme —Ridley Scott.Meanwhile, Hollywood continues to steer ALLLL consciousness away from the ever unfolding EUGENICS ‘friendly’ RED China Halocaust and BURIES without a trace 6 decades of anniversaries for the awesomely relevant, EUGENICS ‘unfriendly’—————————KOREAN WAR—————————-.————————-DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BAD THIS IS???????