C2E2 2012: DC Comics’ “Before Watchmen” Viral Hits The Show Floor Alex Gerage, April 15, 2012April 15, 2012 One would think with The Dark Knight Rises hitting theaters in a few months, DC Comics would pull out all the stops to capitalize on what is arguably the most anticipated film of all time. While Marvel was proudly pushing their film properties at their C2E2 booth by handing out Avengers posters and allowing fans to pose with a faux Captain America shield, the DC Comics area of the convention was almost void of a Dark Knight presence. Instead, the comic giant opted to focus on “Before Watchmen,” a series of prequel comics looking at the lives of the main Watchmen characters. It is a controversial endeavor, but nonetheless has the comic book world intrigued, and it had me intrigued for the way viral marketing is being used to promote it. Hit the jump to learn more.Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend the DC All Access: “Before Watchmen” panel Saturday afternoon at C2E2, but Comic Book Resources has a great write up covering what the writers and artists present at the show had to say. If you are interested in the “Before Watchmen” comics coming out this summer, you should definitely check it out. What caught me by surprise though walking the C2E2 floor was the realization that DC Comics has employed a viral marketing strategy to further hype the property. Handed out at the DC Comics booth throughout the day was a faux copy of the New Frontiersman, the fictional newspaper from the comics that pays special attention to the activity of the Watchmen. I learned from others at the DC exhibit that the paper had an electronic version at NewFrontiersman.net. Interestingly, I discovered viewing the version online allows visitors to click on certain highlighted pieces of text and be treated to new content from the upcoming comics, including artwork, scripts, and a grainy but creepy picture of Rorschach. Hurm. While this is not related to a film per se, MovieViral did cover the Watchmen viral activity that emerged prior to the film’s release in 2009. I give DC Comics credit for creating a viral marketing campaign for a series of comic books, and I get the feeling this campaign will become more comprehensive as the summer release for the books approaches. You can view a couple pictures I took of the “Before Watchmen” presence at C2E2 below, along with a shot of the paper version of the New Frontiersman. Look for my C2E2 summary post tomorrow, filled with more pictures from the show and my thoughts on the convention as a whole. Conventions Events Viral Marketing Before WatchmenC2E2DC ComicsWatchmen
Paranormal Activity Contest: Win a Personal Screening and a Home Entertainment System December 14, 2009December 15, 2009Amazon is teaming up with Paramount Home Entertainment to bring you a pretty nifty contest for Paranormal Activity, and all you have to do is sign up by December 18th. Since the film had a slow release based on word of mouth, I’m sure the marketing team has plenty of… Read More
“Baby Killer” Bound To Go Viral, Just Like “You Lie!” March 21, 2010Following Sunday night’s health reform vote, Congressman Bart Stupak was speaking to the House when he was interrupted by someone yelling the phrase “baby killer.” Stupak, who is the leader of Pro-Life Democrats, switched his vote from “No” to “Yes” following an agreement with President Obama to ensure that federal… Read More
Marvel Debuts Iron Man 2 Interactive Trailer April 12, 2010August 5, 2010A new interactive trailer is now up on the Iron Man 2 official website. Technically, it’s the same trailer that debuted earlier this year, but now certain sections are “saved” as files that you access to see some pretty cool stuff. Check it out after the break. Read More
It is a controversial endeavor, but nonetheless has the comic book world intrigued, and it had me intrigued for the way viral marketing is being used to promote it.