Social Media Monthly: May 2012 Dan Koelsch, May 4, 2012May 4, 2012 Welcome to our only monthly feature here on MovieViral. A day or two ahead of time (we’re a little late this month), we’ll list the various social media accounts (specifically Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for now) for all the major theatrical releases each month. We hope that this allows you to follow your favorite films more easily, as well as give you a guide as to what films are being released each month. Check out what’s coming up for May after the break. May 4thThe Avengers | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTubeMay 11thDark Shadows | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTubeMay 16thThe Dictator | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTubeMay 18thBattleship | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube What To Expect When You’re Expecting | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTubeMay 25thChernobyl Diaries | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Men in Black III | Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Features Social Media Monthly Social Networks BattleshipChernobyl DiariesDark ShadowsFacebookMen in Black 3Social Media MonthlyThe AvengersThe DictatorTwitterWhat to Expect When You're ExpectingYouTube
YouTube Tuesday: Corridor Digital July 3, 2012July 2, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
The Rising Tide Wants to Know What “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Are Hiding May 12, 2013May 12, 2013Last week, a strange, very brief viral video teasing Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. made the rounds on the internet, showing footage of a Hulk-like creature wreaking havoc on a city street. However, a mysterious “Rising Tide” watermark was front and center and at the time none of the domains Disney… Read More
PBS Autotunes Mr. Roger’s For A New Generation June 7, 2012June 8, 2012It’s sad to think that some children will grow up never having been exposed to the classic television program, “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood”. Well now, thanks to PBS and mash-up artist John D. Boswell, today’s generation will be treated to the ever-glowing, sneaker pimped Fred Rogers and his infinite wisdom. Hit… Read More