New Interactive Trailer for “Snow White and the Huntsman” Dan Koelsch, May 24, 2012May 24, 2012 One of my most anticipated films of the summer is Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman, which takes the mythology of Snow White a lot more seriously than this year’s earlier release Mirror Mirror. The action adventure retelling opens in theaters next Friday, June 1st, and Universal has created an interactive trailer that has discussion topics, photo galleries, and other video clips. Take a look after the jump.Let us know what you think of the interactive trailer, and follow the film on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Be sure to check out the Facebook game Snow White’s Kingdom as well.Source: /Film Viral Marketing Viral Videos Interactive TrailerSnow White and the HuntsmanTrailer
Viral Video Round Up: Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Quentin Tarantino, And More! January 6, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Viral Video: Are Iron Man and Batman Begins the Same Movie? February 11, 2010College Humor is known for their videos that showcase how two movies are extremely similar. The call the series “Deja View”, and they’ve done some great ones in the past, including Star Trek vs. Star Wars, and Dude Where’s My Car? vs. The Hangover. A similarly themed video mashed up… Read More
Viral Video: Mad Men Promo in Kinetic Typography June 8, 2010Kinetic typography is simply the animation of text. By itself it doesn’t sound that interesting, but when you combine it popular movies and television, you can make gold. Just see the famous Pulp Fiction example. Avoid Ego Media tries to replicate that success using a clip from AMC’s Mad Men…. Read More