“The Dark Knight Rises” Character Posters Spark Fan-Made Versions With More Characters Dan Koelsch, June 8, 2012 A few weeks ago, we showed you the plethora of new posters and banners recently released for The Dark Knight Rises. The character posters were quite popular, but apparently talented fans thought more characters should be featured, and FirstShowing found quite the collection that even includes the Joker and director Christopher Nolan. Take a look after the jump. Below are just some of the regular character posters, but check out this link for these and much more, including banners like our header image. The Dark Knight Rises opens in IMAX on July 20th. Fan Made Work Viral News The Dark Knight Rises
White House Responds to Death Star Petition January 11, 2013Back in December, we told you about a petition on the “We The People” website that requested the United States begin building a Death Star (yes, the one from Star Wars) by 2016. The petition got the minimum threshold to require a response from the White House, and they did… Read More
Harry Potter Auto-Tuned November 28, 2010Sick of Auto-Tune yet? Of course not! A site called Norwegian Recycling has made a music video of sorts that uses dialogue from all the Harry Potter films in a “Auto-Tune The News” kind of way. With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 still tearing up the charts… Read More
Star Wars Deleted Scene Revealed At Blu-Ray Announcement August 16, 2010August 16, 2010At Star Wars Celebration V this weekend, George Lucas himself revealed that the entire six film series of Star Wars would be coming to Blu-Ray in Fall 2011. The most buzzworthy thing to come out of the announcement was the screening of a never before seen deleted scene from Return… Read More