“The Dark Knight Rises” Character Posters Spark Fan-Made Versions With More Characters Dan Koelsch, June 8, 2012 A few weeks ago, we showed you the plethora of new posters and banners recently released for The Dark Knight Rises. The character posters were quite popular, but apparently talented fans thought more characters should be featured, and FirstShowing found quite the collection that even includes the Joker and director Christopher Nolan. Take a look after the jump. Below are just some of the regular character posters, but check out this link for these and much more, including banners like our header image. The Dark Knight Rises opens in IMAX on July 20th. Fan Made Work Viral News The Dark Knight Rises
Fan-Made “Hunger Games” ARG Launches June 14, 2011June 16, 2011A few days ago, we posted an article about what looked to be an official ARG for the upcoming film The Hunger Games, which comes out next year. We deleted the article after a Lionsgate rep told us that it was not official and possibly a scam to collect user… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns “Godzilla” Viral Campaign Demands The Truth April 1, 2014September 23, 2024The Godzilla viral marketing campaign has seen some major updates in the last few days. First we got to know some of the main characters from the film through the film’s MutoResearch viral site. Now the team at Legendary along with Warner Bros are working together on the social media… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Les Miserables, American Psycho, Scary Movie 5, And More! April 7, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More