“Prometheus” Viral Campaign Continues On With Recruitment At San Diego Comic-Con Michael Lee, June 27, 2012August 4, 2012 Normally a viral campaign would end when the film opens theatrically. But a new viral video for Prometheus has appeared online today that disproves that notion. Previous campaigns have focused on Elizabeth Shaw’s plea to Weyland to fund the fateful expedition, a description of a med pod, and a test to see if you are suited for space travel. This video centers on the wonders of working for Weyland, and if you have seen Prometheus, working for them is anything but. Check out the video after the jump.So what we have here is an employee named Jamie Rossi a “nanotechnologist” explains how wonderful working for Weyland is, and while watching the video you may notice a dew splices from the movie. There aren’t any spoilers in the video, but it does reveal that something is happening at, wait for it… Comic Con.The new viral campaign will be in the form of a recruitment program. It looks as though Fox is pleased with the outcome of Prometheus -even though many weren’t- and for them to continue the viral campaign well after the movie is done could mean they have a big surprise for us at Comic Con. Course I am just speculating.But we will have a few staff members at Comic-Con this year. So you can be sure that they will be all over this. Don’t forget to wave hi. And be sure to follow the update of the Prometheus Viral campagin here. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Project PrometheusPrometheus
‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Viral Campaign: Gotham Observer And New Tech Company June 22, 2012June 22, 2012Though the viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises may not be as elaborate or exciting as its predecessor, but it’s still a great tool to use to drive interest for the film. Now with the film just a little over a month away from release, the viral campaign is… Read More
Trayvon Martin Case Affects Marketing For Fox’s “Neighborhood Watch” March 28, 2012March 28, 2012You might not think that the public discourse on the Trayvon Martin shooting would have much impact on Hollywood, but there has been an unexpected result. 20th Century Fox has had to change their marketing for their upcoming sci-fi comedy Neighborhood Watch. Get the details after the jump. Read More
Guillermo Del Toro Wants You To Scare Him In New Contest From Legendary Pictures and YouTube September 3, 2014September 3, 2014Guillermo del Toro could well be the busiest man in Hollywood — it is rare a day goes by where his name is not attached to an upcoming film or television show. Despite his backlog of projects, the filmmaker has announced that he will preside over a rather cool contest… Read More