‘The Bourne Legacy’ Viral Has You In Their Sights Michael Lee, July 16, 2012July 18, 2012 The Bourne Legacy is Universal Pictures’ so-called sequel/reboot to the Bourne franchise. It continues the Bourne legacy (sequel part) and uses new chracters (reboot part). Now you may have heard of a little convention they hold in San Diego called the San Diego Comic-Con. Well Universal had a little viral going on during that convention involving texting and posters. Check it out below.Now this means that the posters are unavailable, but the posters are still worth a look. 200 individuals who texted to a super secret number were given information that revealed a location on where to find and receive the sniper scope poster. The crosshairs seem to have a fix location that presumably could be where Aaron Cross is.Directed by Tony Gilroy, The Bourne Legacy stars Jeremy Renner was Aaron Cross, who must find why the government is hunting him down and wanting to kill him. The film also stars Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, and more. The Bourne Leagcy opens in theaters on August 10th. Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing Comic-ConThe Bourne LegacyUniversal Pictures
What Is The #Super8Secret? June 2, 2011Briefly: While that may seem like a loaded question with such a secretive movie and viral campaign, a new viral website has popped up (via @Super8Movie) that asks just that. We have nothing to go on, so check out Super8Secret.com and give us your best guess on what this is… Read More
Viral Marketing – Why Only Movies? June 7, 2009July 6, 2010Viral marketing campaings have been staging an uprising ever since Cloverfield‘s viral. Some virals have been exceptional (The Dark Knight comes to mind), and others have been iffy (Watchmen). But why are movies the only form of entertainment using viral? Read More
“Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site Makes Dr. Octopus Connection To Latest Trailer December 7, 2013December 7, 2013The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has just been released, and already the viral site is making connections to it. While we don’t know the extent of BJ Novak‘s role in the sequel, rumors are swirling that it could be anyone from Donald Menken, Norman Osborn’s assistant, to… Read More