AMC Scares New Yorkers in “Walking Dead” Viral Video Aimed At Dish Network Dan Koelsch, July 31, 2012 The AMC television network has been having a long battle with Dish Network, with Dish Network actually cutting the network, along with sibling channels like IFC, Sundance, and WeTV, at the beginning of July. The dispute is complicated, but as usual, involves money. AMC has now started a campaign to get Dish subscribers to change providers so they can keep watching their favorite shows, like The Walking Dead. Watch what they did after the break.Not a bad way to kill two birds with one stone. You can learn more about AMC’s efforts on, and The Walking Dead premieres October 14th. Viral Marketing Viral Videos AMCDish NetworkThe Walking DeadViral video
Salt: Day X Exists Mission 7, “Stealth”, Now Live June 30, 2010As we previously reported, Columbia Picture’s Salt, starring Angelina Jolie, has an interactive story you can participate in at their official website. Every week there is a new mission, and last week Salt needed you to track a Day X agent. This week, you’ll need to sneak into a Day… Read More
Freddy Krueger Wants His MTV (Again!) March 23, 2010March 23, 2010Gather ’round kids. I have a story to tell you. You may not believe this, but a long, long time ago, there were these things called “Music Videos”, and they could be seen all around the world on a station called MTV. I know, I know, “shut up Scott! MTV… Read More
Alice in Wonderland Sends Out Book and Key To Bloggers January 7, 2010November 16, 2010Our friends at Firstshowing got a nice little present in the mail yesterday in the form of an Alice in Wonderland book full of surprises. In fact, there were books inside books (like those Russian dolls), and a USB drive shaped like a 19th century key. Pretty impressive set up,… Read More