Send DISH Network A Message in the “Hey DISH, Where’s My AMC?” Video Contest! Caleb Hamilton, August 6, 2012August 6, 2012 Imagine sitting in your living room, watching a very exciting episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead and suddenly the screen goes blank. Shortly a message appears on the screen from DISH Network, “Sorry, we no longer offer this channel.” What would you do? Throw your recliner at the television? Perhaps choke on your beverage? AMC is giving you the chance to show DISH Network what their subscribers are going through with a new viral video contest.DISH Network recently dropped AMC in an attempt to gain the upper hand in an unrelated lawsuit. So in response, AMC has launched the Hey DISH, Where’s MY AMC? video contest, following their Zombie Experiment NYC video, which went viral and became one of the most watched videos in the world with over 4.2 million views. AMC is hoping to get a lot of videos which express what DISH subscribers who are fans of AMC shows must be going through.Mac McKean, Senior Vice President of AMC Digital, said: “We’ve had a tremendous outpouring of support from fans asking what they can do since DISH dropped us so we thought we’d give them an outlet for expressing their dissatisfaction over DISH’s decision.”Just submit a 30-90 second video of how you would react if you were a DISH subscriber and lost one or more AMC shows: The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Mad Men or Hell on Wheels. You could also make a video based on a specific theme such as the lengths you’d go to, as a DISH subscriber, to get back AMC programming. The grand prize winner of the contest, “AMC’s Choice,” will receive $4000, a Canon® 7D Camera, and the opportunity to discuss their video with AMC’s Senior Vice President of Production. The winning video will also appear across AMC-owned social media channels. Two runner-ups, “People’s Choice” and “Highest Viewed,” will each receive a $1000 cash prize plus extras.The submission period ends on August 29th, followed by voting. The winner will be announced on September 10th. You can learn more about the contest and enter at You can also learn more about why DISH dropped AMC and its sister channels at Viral Marketing Viral Videos AMCBreaking BadContestsDish NetworkHell on WheelsMad MenThe Walking DeadViral Videos
Will We See More Hulk? August 3, 2009August 3, 2009There has been a lot of talk in recent days about the future of Ed Norton’s Incredible Hulk in the Marvel movie universe. The film blog Nuke The Fridge first broke the story that Ed Norton may appear in Iron Man 2 as both Bruce Banner and the Hulk. I… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Beat Down Boogie January 8, 2013January 8, 2013We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
Hell Is Nigh For Dante’s Inferno February 3, 2010Whoa, this is pretty cool! Thanks to our friends at ScreenRant we’ve found a Viral Website for the new EA game Dante’s Inferno. EA has managed to collaborate with 6 websites to weave a picture into their HTML code. It’s pretty clever and of course it doesn’t hurt the 6… Read More
Why is everyone blaming Dish??!! IFC, AMC and the other networks increased their charges 200%, you guys would be equally mad if yo had to pay an additional $20 for each mid tier channel.
Iron out the differences, get AMC back on Dish Network before I decide to take my business elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
dish and amc people in charge of these two companies apparently dont care what their customers like. we already have to have other channels we damn sure dont want just to get a couple that we do want. they dont offer much out here in the country area i live in. so when dish came out here it was great.but now they are dropping channels. it shouldnt matter what they pay for the channels cause we pay quite a bit for a damn 250 channel package just so we can have a few channels we do like. it is bullshit but its the price i have to pay for living out here where it is peaceful and has no bullshit of the city.
I’ve got an idea how about if the Customers (who are actually paying for what they watch) choose what channels they get charged for instead of (packages where they don’t have a lot of choices).Truthfully the (basic) packages really suck……………sorry but,how many home improvement,mass buying,outdoor adventure,craft,auctions shows of the same thing do we need? Verses series like Bad Men,Walking Dead,Hell on Wheels,and Breaking Bad.I think I’ll take the series even IF at a higher price keep what people watch and get rid of the other useless crap we’re paying for and NOT watching.
I’ve been with dish for a very long time, but if the don’t get my amc back, they will see how fast i go with another provider.
I’ve been with dish a very long time, but if they don’t get amc back they will lose a loyal customer.
I’ve been with dish for a very long time, but if the don’t get amc back, they will lose a loyal customer