AMC Scares New Yorkers in “Walking Dead” Viral Video Aimed At Dish Network Dan Koelsch, July 31, 2012 The AMC television network has been having a long battle with Dish Network, with Dish Network actually cutting the network, along with sibling channels like IFC, Sundance, and WeTV, at the beginning of July. The dispute is complicated, but as usual, involves money. AMC has now started a campaign to get Dish subscribers to change providers so they can keep watching their favorite shows, like The Walking Dead. Watch what they did after the break.Not a bad way to kill two birds with one stone. You can learn more about AMC’s efforts on, and The Walking Dead premieres October 14th. Viral Marketing Viral Videos AMCDish NetworkThe Walking DeadViral video
“Don’t Do Mech” Viral Marketing Campaign Tries To Curb Hi-Tech Drug Use June 4, 2014June 5, 2014Anti-drug use campaigns usually show some sort of graphic depiction of the consequences of illegal drug use, which ranges from health problems to jail time. We’ve all seen these kinds of ads before, but what if one was tailored for a viral marketing campaign. The Don’t Do Mech viral marketing… Read More
Concept Art Revealed for Disneyland’s TRON Show, To Be Titled “ElecTRONica” September 1, 2010Early last month, we told you about how Disney was looking cross-promote the upcoming Tron Legacy with their Disneyland California Adventure park via a nighttime show of some sort. Now we have a few more details on the show, to be titled “ElecTRONica” (clever, no?), as well as pretty crazy… Read More
Rocket Poppeteers Sends Out ‘Fleet Assessment #1’ March 23, 2011The Super 8 ‘Rocket Poppeteers’ viral has been silent for a while. Before the site went down for renovations last month, those who signed up for the Astronaut Training Program were sent certificates showing that they had been accepted into the program. Today, Astronaut Trainees were sent an email about… Read More