“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Online Dan Koelsch, August 9, 2012 Just over a month ago, we showed you the trailer for H+ The Digital Series, a web series being co-produced by acclaimed director and House M.D. executive producer Bryan Singer. The series is about a future where many people have a device (called H+) hooked up to their brains to keep them on the Internet 24/7, but something terrible is coming. The first two episodes debuted online yesterday, so watch them after the break. Along with subscribing to the YouTube channel, you can also follow the series on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Let us know what you think of the series so far in the comments below! Viral Marketing Viral Videos Bryan SingerH PlusH+web seriesYouTube
Find Out If You Are Expendable June 19, 2010The consensus among most moviegoers is that the summer season thus far has been a bit of a dud. Already halfway through June, few high profile films have caught and maintained the attention of the public. Studios are mobilizing their marketing campaigns around the remaining releases this summer in hopes… Read More
Stark Industries Email August 3, 2009March 30, 2010In Iron Man 2 viral news, I got a rather bland email from a Kay Baker at Stark Industries. Since Matt also got one and didn’t even fill out the questions at the end of the application, I can assume everyone who applied got this email. Sounds like they may… Read More
Check Out This Cool New Iron Man 2 Advertising March 8, 2010March 8, 2010The new trailer for Iron 2 premiered last night, and now GeekTyrant has some of the new promotional materials being used by Paramount. We have a new image of Iron Man and War Machine together, two solo posters, and a great 3D theater standee. Check out the high res images… Read More