The Buzz: Daredevil, Avengers 2, Justice League, and More! Dan Koelsch, August 10, 2012 The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in a very Super edition of The Buzz. 1) Fox and Disney Talk “Daredevil” Back in 2003, 20th Century Fox released Daredevil, starring Ben Affleck as the blind Marvel superhero. The film had mixed results both at the box office and with critics, so the studio has been looking to reboot the potential franchise in the past few years. Their latest and most promising attempt was a gritty thriller with director Joe Carnahan possibly attached, but the problem is that they are required to start filming by October 10th, or the rights revert back to Marvel (and thus Disney). Rumors swirled this week that Fox was working with Disney to give Fox more time if Marvel could use Fox-owned Galactus and/or Silver Surfer. However, it was later found out that Fox is looking to either let Daredevil go or co-finance it with Disney. Either way, Marvel will get at least some control of one of their most popular heroes.2) Joss Whedon Signed On For “Avengers” SequelThis shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, but Joss Whedon will return as writer and director for the sequel to The Avengers. The exclusive deal is until 2015, and has Whedon also helping with the long-planned ABC television show that will be set in the Marvel universe (not Hulk) , as well as some script doctoring on at least Captain America: The Winter Soldier (as he did with the first one) and Guardians Of The Galaxy. There is also speculation that Avengers 2 might open on May 1st, 2015. The overall response on the Internet (from fans and bloggers alike) has been extremely positive, and there’s a lot of hope for this Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.4) Ben Affleck Rumored To Be Offered “Justice League” Speaking of Mr. Affleck, the former Daredevil has made quite a name for himself behind the camera in recent years, writing and directing Gone Baby Gone, The Town, as well as helming the upcoming Argo. Those last two films are from Warner Bros., and they are apparently pleased, as they have supposedly offered Affleck the chance to direct their upcoming Justice League movie. WB saw what a more thoughtful director like Christopher Nolan could do with a superhero franchise, so if this is true, I applaud their vision. Unfortunately, the man who once played the man who played Superman (that’s not a typo) may have already turned down the gig. Would you like to see Affleck direct a superhero movie? Other Headlines– First Official Photo: Daniel Day-Lewis as Abe in Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln’ – Deleted ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Scene Would Reveal More of Bane’s Origin – Jackson’s ‘The Hobbit’ 48FPS Version May Get Limited Release FirstDid we miss any stories that got you buzzing this week? Let us know in the comments below. Features News The Buzz AvengersDaredevilJustice LeagueThe Buzz
Facebook Game ‘Mafia Wars’ Not Being Made Into Film Despite Rumors June 29, 2010One of the more popular games on Facebook is called “Mafia Wars.” Sounds fun and exciting, right? Not so much. It’s one of those Facebook games where you accumulate rewards for completing tasks that you don’t actually do (see the G.I. Joe game). Now the game is being developed into… Read More
Social Media Monthly: November 2012 October 30, 2012December 30, 2012Welcome to our only monthly feature here on MovieViral. A day or two ahead of time, we’ll list the various social media accounts (specifically Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and a bit of Tumblr for now) for all the major theatrical releases each month. We hope that this allows you to follow… Read More
Ken and Barbie To Get Their Own “Toy Story” Short Film December 20, 2010December 20, 2010Right around the time that Toy Story 3 came out in theaters this summer, we found out that the end of the trilogy will not be the end of the characters we’ve all grown to love (or met for the first time and had love at first sight). Characters from… Read More
co-finance it with Disney. Either way, Marvel will get at least some control of one of their most popular heroes.
Daredevil go or co-finance it with Disney. Either way, Marvel will get at least some control of one of their most popular heroes.