“H+ The Digital Series” Has Viral Website and Videos Dan Koelsch, August 15, 2012August 15, 2012 Last week, the highly anticipated H+ The Digital Series debuted online to a favorable response. The web series is about a future where an implant hooks your brain up to the Internet 24/7. The company behind the technology has a website, and there are some in-world videos as well. Take a look after the jump. The company is called HPlus Nano Teoranta, and their website has some very informative pages on the company itself and the technology. The web series’ YouTube Channel also has videos from HPlus Nano pertaining to the tech. First, there was an introduction video for test subjects, where we learn about “Implant n54”.Next we get a video with customer testimonials and one where “real” people of today talk about how they could use H+. It all sounds like a perfect dream device, but of course, as the series has already shown, it turns out to be a nightmare.We’ll keep an eye out for any other viral for the web series. The first episode had a QR code, but it’s unclear if it is meant to be read, as no one I’ve talked to has been able to get their devices to recognize it.New episodes of the series debut every Wednesday, so look out later today for the next one(s). Along with subscribing to the YouTube channel, you can also follow the series on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos H PlusH+web series
Warner Brothers Introduces Movies As Apps February 16, 2011In what may be the new killer app for the Apple iPad, Warner Brothers has deviced a clever way to distribute their home film releases in a way that is similar to DVDs but designed for the new digital world. They are starting off with releases of The Dark Knight… Read More
Submit Your Funny Roommate Story To Win Free Rent From ABC’s “Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23” April 3, 2012April 3, 2012ABC’s new sitcom Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23 debuts on April 11th, and to promote the new long-titled comedy, the network has taken to YouTube. By submitting your funny roommate story on the video website, you could win $5,000 to use towards rent or whatever else you want…. Read More
Super 8 Viral Recap and Review June 16, 2011June 16, 2011The Super 8 viral campaign and ARG has come to an end as the movie enters its second weekend in theaters, and now it is time to look back and try to make sense of it all. For many of our readers, you may know that the viral campaign for… Read More