Newly Launched “Dredd” Viral Site Riffs The Drudge Report Michael Lee, August 21, 2012 Dredd may be coming out in theaters next month, but the film’s promotion is just kicking off. After Dredd received some solid reviews at Comic-Con earlier this year, the film is entering a new stage of the marketing campaign. Firstshowing reports that a viral site called The Dredd Report has launched. The site is a riff on the Drudge Report, and much like that website, the Dredd Report has links to a variety of news, videos, and photos. The newly launched site centers its attention on Mega City One (the fictional city where the movie is set) and how the new drug Slo-Mo has taken a hold of its citizens. Hit the jump for more info.The links provided on the site take you to a number of news pieces or images relating to today’s news. Most of the links takes you to a variety of real world news articles reporting on cities combating the war on drugs. But there are also animated gifs, a crime report, PSA ad that takes you to a video (which you can check out below) warning you about the dangers of using Slo-Mo. Just like the drug’s name, the user’s perception slows down dramatically, and according to the site, time appears to pass at 1% normal speed.There is also an ad that is recruiting people to be Judges themselves, but the ad takes you to the film’s official Twitter account, which is more like a newsfeed for all that is happening in Mega City One. Links to the film’s Facebook account is also provided.The Dredd Report is a pretty cool site full of faux headlines taking you to real world news articles and other bits relating to Mega City One, so check it out. I’m sure there will be more updates to the site as we get closer to the film’s release. Dredd will open in theaters on September 21st. Viral Marketing DreddLionsgateThe Dredd Report
The Umbrella Corporation Wants To Recruit You in New “Resident Evil” Viral May 31, 2012This September, Resident Evil: Retribution opens in theaters to become the fifth film in the internationally successful zombie franchise based on the video game series. The Umbrella Corporation, having created the zombie virus, is the arch nemesis to Milla Jovovich’s heroine Alice. However, the job market is still tough, so… Read More
Check Out The New Web Series for The Office March 4, 2010March 4, 2010The latest web series for NBC’s The Office is now live on We showed you the teaser for “The Mentor” last week, and now you can watch all four webisodes, as well as play games, download screensavers, and more. Watch the videos after the jump. Read More
“Veronica Mars Movie” Viral Review March 17, 2014March 16, 2014The Veronica Mars Movie isn’t just any ordinary TV series that made the jump to a full length feature film. It is a film that is entirely funded by unpaid viral marketing fans, thanks in part to a KickStarter campaign launched by show creator Rob Thomas and series star Kristen… Read More