Viral Video For “Carrie” Catches Telekinetic Experience At Coffee Shop Dan Koelsch, October 7, 2013 Sony Pictures’ remake of the horror classic Carrie opens in theaters on October 18th, and it looks like the studio is trying to make one last viral marketing push. A viral video was released today where a prank is set up to make it look like a girl in a coffee shop goes into a telekinetic fit. Watch as real people react to the supernatural experience after the break. I would assume this video is from Thinkmodo, the company behind a lot of these other kind of viral videos. The MO is the same: A new YouTube user with only one video that has an intense prank to get people’s reactions. You can check out more of these kind of viral videos here. Viral Marketing Viral Videos CarrieThinkmodo
Wrigley’s Gum Needs Your Help To Hunt The Red Skull June 14, 2011While the marketing campaigns for Thor and X-Men: First Class have subsided with the release of the films, Marvel’s summer movie season is far from over. With Captain America: The First Avenger due out July 22nd, there has certainly been an increase in television spots, but look for more product… Read More
Watch Interactive Horror Short Film “6:14” October 28, is a new transmedia platform from Fourth Wall Studios that creates interactive stories stretching across online video, phone calls, text messages, email, and social media. Their latest in their Dark Wall horror series is called 6:14, which you can watch here. Watch the trailer and learn more after the… Read More
“The Optimist” Explores Walt’s Haunts & Connections To Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland” July 30, 2013July 30, 2013Just a few days after Comic-Con kicked off, The Optimist, a viral campaign for Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland, was launched. Little was known about the actual ARG, and since it’s debut earlier this July, fans and players have been combing through the site in hopes of finding another clue to the… Read More