YouTube Tuesday: PWNISHER Dan Koelsch, August 21, 2012 We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that provide new videos on a regular basis, especially ones that we feel need more exposure. This week we are featuring the channel PWNISHER. PWNISHER is a channel similar to Corridor Digital and Freddie Wong. They upload high quality short films that feature impressive special and visual effects. Their latest is a hardcore fighting film called “Sleeping Dogs”, which you can watch below. You should also check our their Cardboard Warfare series. With over 215,000 subscribers and 20 million total video views, the channel is going strong, but they definitely deserve more eyes for their high quality content. You can follow the man behind the channel, Clinton Jones, on Twitter.More YouTube TuesdayGlove and Boots | Freddie Wong | Film Riot & Film State | BriTANicK | Legolambs | Genrocks | Epic Rap Battles of History | AndrewMFilms | VFX Bro | How It Should Have Ended | DJ Steve Porter | Pogo | The Fine Bros | Corridor Digital | Samseed85 | Alamo Drafthouse | Above Average Features YouTube Tuesday pwnisherYouTubeYouTube Tuesday
Trailers Weekly: “Snowpiercer”, “Only God Forgives”, “In A World…”, “300: Rise Of An Empire”, “Elysium” June 15, 2013June 15, 2013Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we have trailers for Snowpiercer, Elysium, 300:… Read More
Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Kingsley, Talk “Iron Man 3”, Suit Envy, Avengers 2, & More May 1, 2013Iron Man 3 opens in theaters and in 3D this weekend, and we got a chance to talk to the stars of the movie. During the press conference, Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Kingsley, and Don Cheadle talked about coming back for another chapter of the Iron Man franchise… Read More
Trailers Weekly: “Like Crazy”, “TWIXT”, “The Sitter”, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”, “Killer Elite”, and “The Darkest Hour” August 6, 2011August 6, 2011Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. There is something for everyone to watch in this… Read More