Catch Up on “H+” With New and Annotated Episodes Dan Koelsch, September 3, 2012September 3, 2012 If you’ve been watching Bryan Singer’s web series H+, you might be a little confused by its non-linear structure. Fortunately, the makers behind the series are aware of this dilemma, so they have started re-uploading episodes with annotations to help you piece the story together. The episodes are not embeddable anymore, so you can check them all out on YouTube. However, you can watch the first vlog from John Cabrera, one of the writers and creators of H+ The Digital Series, after the break. Cabrera addresses the criticism the series has gotten by talking about its interactivity. Let us know what you think of his remarks. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing H PlusH+web series
Is Ferris Bueller Taking Another Day Off? (UPDATED) January 26, 2012January 27, 2012A new viral video has surfaced on the interwebs featuring Matthew Broderick reprising a role from one of his most famous films. The last time we saw Ferris Bueller it was 1986 and he was taking the day off from school. Now, almost 26 years later, Ferris has reappeared (though… Read More
Toy Story’s Pizza Planet Hiring Drivers April 8, 2010April 8, 2010You may remember about a week ago we reported on Disney and Pixar setting up college screenings for the first 2/3 of Toy Story 3. Well, now they’ve got an interesting way of advertising for it that might actually make some people upset. Read More
Viral Marketing Crazy Bradley Cooper Drug Commercial Is Really Viral Video For Movie December 9, 2010December 10, 2010TMZ of all places reported yesterday on a rather interesting video that’s hit the web. It’s a commercial for a drug called NZT, and Bradley Cooper (though never named) is the sponsor. There’s even a website for the drug. While the ad and website boast the drug’s amazing abilities (and… Read More