You Can Get George A. Romero a Well Deserved Star Scott Caldwell, October 2, 2012October 2, 2012 It’s October. The simple fact of the matter for movie buffs is that October brings one thing. No, not love stories of corduroy fashions and multibuttoned sweaters with acorns and leaves. It brings us horror. This is the month of Halloween. No other month has such a dedication to respect and representation as does October. Fans of all styles of horror make this time a point of celebration, decoration and flat out overboard joy of a genre that has proven itself time after time as one that will never die. So what can you do to make this October one for the fan? You can help by getting one of THE most respected horror writers, and THE pioneer of the zombie genre on to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Yes. Help get George A. Romero his well deserved star. Keep reading to find out how. The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a home to an amazing list of actors, writers, directors and more, so why not include a visionary such as Romero. Just like many well named academies, certain types of film are overlooked as if they are simple and unappreciated, yet the numbers and the history will continue to always prove that mentality wrong. Horror films have been, and always will be a respected genre that will one day receive its recognition. This time could be now. With the help of Indiegogo, you can help make this a reality. Check it out.So why not make October a horror fan month get this to happen. I’ve already put my money in and I hope you do the same. As if the simple thank you of an array of gifts for your donation isn’t enough, this could truly make things happen in an industry lacking the respect and recognition is so deserves. As the video proclaims, without Romero, we could have nothing in the likeness of true horror heroes admitting their debt to Romero. Zombies are an ever popular, and more rapidly growing theme than most of its kind, and it’s about time someone gets more than a following. George A. Romero earned a star, so help him grab it. And who knows. If this happens, maybe, just maybe, the appreciation could spread.Are you a fan? Will you be sending a few dollars to this campaign? Let us know what you think of Romero below. Fan Made Work News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos CrowdsourcingGeorge A. RomeroGeorge RomeroHollywood StarHollywood Walk of FameIndieGoGoNight of The Living DeadZombies
Fan Site Makes Tony Stark the New Chuck Norris April 10, 2010April 10, 2010Chuck Norris has been a huge internet meme for years, getting to the point where it’s now old and tired. The joke is that the actor and martial arts expert is the greatest being on the planet, with ‘facts’ like “Chuck counted to Infinity…twice.” Some are hilarious, but most are… Read More
Zombie-Proof Your Car and Home! October 24, 2012September 21, 2013Back in June, we reported that Robert Kirkman, creator and writer of The Walking Dead comics, had designed a Zombie-Proof Car for Comic-Con. However, that was a promotion with Hyundai, so I’m sure there were some limitations in place. If you’re prepping for the zombie apocalypse in December, never fear,… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Anchorman, Kristen Bell, Star Wars, Prometheus, Jamie Foxx, And More! January 8, 2012January 8, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More