YouTube Tuesday: Teddie Films Dan Koelsch, October 2, 2012 We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that provide new videos on a regular basis, especially ones that we feel need more exposure. This week we are featuring the unique music video parodies of Teddie Films. Eddie King and Tyler Marshall make up Teddie Films, and they make music video parodies that usually involve nerdy stuff like Star Wars. The channel only has six videos so far, but have amassed over 30,000 subscribers and 10 million total video views. Their most popular video is “The Star Wars That I Used To Know”, a parody of Gotye’s hit song, with over 6 million views. Watch it below.See even more of their work on, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.More YouTube TuesdayGlove and Boots | Freddie Wong | Film Riot & Film State | BriTANicK | Legolambs | Genrocks | Epic Rap Battles of History | AndrewMFilms | VFX Bro | How It Should Have Ended | DJ Steve Porter | Pogo | The Fine Bros | Corridor Digital | Samseed85 | Alamo Drafthouse | Above Average | PWNISHER | hh1edits | Screen Junkies | Vitaliy Zavadskyy | Bri Ray | Ziccup Fan Made Work Features Viral News Viral Videos YouTube Tuesday Teddie FilmsYouTubeYouTube Tuesday
News Captain America Vs. Star Lord: Super Bowl Civil War January 19, 2015January 20, 2015Today Cap himself, Chris Evans tweeted at Chris Pratt a withdrawal of friendship as both their teams are going head to head at this year’s Super Bowl. In a fun exchange both supes engaged in friendly fire by geeking out over sports in the most marvelous way. Read More
Confirmed: “Super 8” Concept Art Is Fake December 6, 2010Briefly: I could have just added this info to the original article about the dubious leaked creature concept art for Super 8, but I wanted to nip this rumor in the bud. The unrelated image is actually artwork from Patrick Reilly (, who happens to have done some famous Cloverfield… Read More
“Godzilla” Viral Trailer Awakens The Truth February 24, 2014The Godzilla viral campaign seems to be starting up once again after taking a slumber for the past few months. The MUTO website teased the inevitable release of the first trailer, which was more of an announcement teaser than anything else. By not showing us the reptilian kaiju, fans were… Read More