Zombie-Proof Your Car and Home! Dan Koelsch, October 24, 2012September 21, 2013 Back in June, we reported that Robert Kirkman, creator and writer of The Walking Dead comics, had designed a Zombie-Proof Car for Comic-Con. However, that was a promotion with Hyundai, so I’m sure there were some limitations in place. If you’re prepping for the zombie apocalypse in December, never fear, because MoneySuperMarket.com has created infographics on how to really zombie-proof not only your car, but also your home. Study up after the break. Viral Marketing infographicZombies
Big District 9 Rumors June 23, 2009June 23, 2009An anonymous source gave us some big rumors about District 9. I want to stress two things. First, the original source is unverified, while our intermediate source is reliable. That being said, this could all be bullshit, so take it with a grain of salt. However, it’s interesting and plausible… Read More
Avatar: New Ad and Interview with Colonel Quaritch November 23, 2009November 25, 2009Thanks to one our readers, we have found the YouTube channel for the Coke Zero Avatar tie-in that seems to be the source behind the viral so far. Alex reported on AVTR.com a while ago, which is also connected with Coke Zero. Other than the occasional update not much has… Read More
CBS and ABC Shows Have the Most Viral Potential May 24, 2011May 24, 2011Earlier this week our very own Caleb Hamilton came out with what he thought had the best viral potential from FOX and NBC. Now I give you what I think has the best viral potential from CBS and ABC. There are a few shows that do have viral potential, heck… Read More