Zombie-Proof Your Car and Home! Dan Koelsch, October 24, 2012September 21, 2013 Back in June, we reported that Robert Kirkman, creator and writer of The Walking Dead comics, had designed a Zombie-Proof Car for Comic-Con. However, that was a promotion with Hyundai, so I’m sure there were some limitations in place. If you’re prepping for the zombie apocalypse in December, never fear, because MoneySuperMarket.com has created infographics on how to really zombie-proof not only your car, but also your home. Study up after the break. Viral Marketing infographicZombies
Become A “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” By TMNT Yourself July 21, 2014July 21, 2014The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailers stresses that New York City needs heroes. The obvious rise in criminal activity carried out by The Foot Clan is a clear indication of that. So, now is your chance to prove just how heroic you are, by showing your turtle power to the… Read More
“Baby Killer” Bound To Go Viral, Just Like “You Lie!” March 21, 2010Following Sunday night’s health reform vote, Congressman Bart Stupak was speaking to the House when he was interrupted by someone yelling the phrase “baby killer.” Stupak, who is the leader of Pro-Life Democrats, switched his vote from “No” to “Yes” following an agreement with President Obama to ensure that federal… Read More
Would The Real John Carter Please Stand Up? December 3, 2011Looks like Disney has launched a viral campaign for their upcoming film, John Carter. Andrew Stanton, director of John Carter, is looking for all of the John Carter’s of Earth. If your name is John Carter (or if you know a John Carter), you fit the bill. Hit the jump… Read More