Teaser Released for Transmedia Film “2088” Dan Koelsch, November 21, 2012 SMI Entertainment’s 2088 is an inde sci-fi action movie written and directed by Steven Ilous, a visual effects supervisor for several big budget films. The studio released a trailer yesterday, and it looks pretty badass. SMI deals mainly in transmedia projects, so it will fun to see what they do for this film. Check out the trailer after the break. 2088 Teaser from Steven Ilous on Vimeo.Very little is known about the film, but below is what the studio’s website says about it.The Challenge: To produce, direct and write a transmedia sci-fi/drama property that will entice audiences from all around the world, allowing people to experience this story through multi-platform touch points. The Strategy: SMI utilizes online media, advertising and diverse marketing channels to build dedicated and loyal audiences that will anticipate the launch of “2088”. The Experience: Conceptualized by Steven Ilous, “2088” is a product of emerging technologies and their power to transform and showcase new narrative storytelling practices.There is no release date as of yet, but you can keep up with the process on the film’s Tumblr and Facebook, where this is also a plethora of concept art. Viral Marketing Viral Videos 2008SMI EntertainmentTrailer
ViralCast #14: Comic-Con Review July 27, 2009June 6, 2010In this week’s ViralCast, Dan, Ian, and Scott are joined by our very special guests Kelsey and Rose, who covered Comic-Con for us live from the convention. We go over some of the interesting things that Kelsey and Rose saw as well dig deeper in the viral campaigns put on… Read More
Build and Test Drive Your Own “The Dark Knight Rises” Tumbler! July 9, 2012July 9, 2012The Tumbler (and the Bat-Pod) have been Batman’s high-powered modes of transportation in Christopher Nolan’s last two Bat-flicks. Unfortunately, *SPOILER ALERT* the Tumbler was destroyed by the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Tumbler will return in The Dark Knight Rises, but may not be used much by Batman. Fans… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Prometheus, The Lion King, The Simpsons, Dark Knight Rises, 2011 Cinema, And More! January 1, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More