Countdown to “The Dark Knight Rises” Blu-ray Release to Unlock “Man of Steel” Content Caleb Hamilton, November 20, 2012November 20, 2012 We haven’t seen much from Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel since July, when trailers were released with The Dark Knight Rises. Warner Bros. will attach another trailer with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey next month, but they’re giving you a chance to get a look at some exclusive content early! More after the jump.The countdown to the home release of The Dark Knight Rises on Blu-ray early next month has begun. In a similar move by Marvel last month to unlock the Iron Man 3 trailer, Warner Bros. is asking fans to share the news of the TDKR Blu-ray release with their friends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Just visit the countdown site and click the ‘Share’ button.Once the meter hits 100%, a reward will be reveal an exclusive look at Man of Steel!Superman returns in Man of Steel on June 14th, 2013 in 3D and IMAX 3D! Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Man of SteelThe Dark Knight RisesWarner Bros
Halo Reach: Remember Reach Gives More Than Just A Light Sculpture August 25, 2010August 25, 2010 Read More
12 Days of Viral – DAY SIX December 18, 2009December 17, 2009On the sixth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Password protection. This, by far, may be one of the most exciting parts of a viral. Once you see that screen where you have to enter a password, people go nuts trying everything from 1234 to the zip code… Read More
Cloverfield This Week In Viral – Cloverfield 2? March 1, 2009February 2, 2025That’s right, JJ Abrams spoke at WonderCon about the possibility of Cloverfield 2. Here is the video: Not much more than what he and Director Matt Reeves have said in the past, though it seems like they finally have a good idea for the sequel/spin off. Viral news on Angels… Read More