Found On Reddit: Emma Stone’s Yearbook Photo, Hobbit Chickens, and More! Dan Koelsch, November 29, 2012 Like many people, I lurk around reddit during my downtime, and I find some pretty interesting stuff. Sometimes that stuff relates to movies and television, so I feel obligated to share it with our readers. Check out some recent cool reddit links after the break. One redditor went to middle school for a year with the lovely actress Emma Stone. While he/she doesn’t remember her from school, after reading her Wikipedia page they decided to look her up. Of course, she looks adorable. [LINK]Speaking of adorable, check out this drawing of Tom Hanks’ most famous performances. Considering there’s only 8 on here, and at least Da Vinci Code is questionable, there is plenty of debate about his other great roles not making the cut. [LINK]In another smooth transition, one of my favorite jokes in Toy Story is one in which the toy shark mimics Hanks’ Woody by donning his hat and saying “Look, I’m Woody. Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!”. Apparently, the joke comes from a Far Side comic, as you can see below. [LINK]Finally, are the chickens in The Hobbit the wrong size? One redditor thinks so, but many are arguing that they could be either a hobbit chicken or Bantams, which are a real breed of chicken that are very small. What do you think? [LINK]Let us know if you find any interesting Reddit posts, and we might add them next time. Fan Made Work Social Networks Viral News Emma StoneRedditThe HobbitTom HanksToy Story
Mars Goes Social Leading Up To Rover Landing August 4, 2012August 4, 2012NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission will hit a key moment tomorrow night at 10:30 PM PDT, when the Curiosity rover (which is the size of a MINI Cooper) lands on the planet’s surface. The last two rovers to hit Mars, in 2004, got national attention when they lasted way past… Read More
Viral Video: Everything Is A Remix February 2, 2011Back in September, New York-based filmmaker Kirby Ferguson started a video series called “Everything Is a Remix”, which showcases the modern artform of remixing in entertainment. Part 1 focused on music, and Part 2, released yesterday, features movies. Take a look at both episodes after the break, and let us… Read More
Social Media Monthly: June 2012 May 29, 2012May 28, 2012Welcome to our only monthly feature here on MovieViral. A day or two ahead of time (we got a head start this month), we’ll list the various social media accounts (specifically Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for now) for all the major theatrical releases each month. We hope that this allows… Read More