Steven Soderbergh’s “Side Effects” Gets A Viral Website Dan Koelsch, December 3, 2012 Are you looking for a new depression medication? Well, Ablixa (Alipazone) might be just right for you. At, you can sign up to emails for more information of the prescription drug, as well as get a free evaluation from one of their Professionals. But wait, that “Professional” pictured looks a lot like Jude Law. That’s because it is, and you’ve just encountered first viral marketing for Steven Soderbergh’s thriller Side Effects. Details after the break. If the beginning of this article sounded like an advertisement, that’s because that is exactly how this viral marketing attempt is structured.. The viral website even has a video ad for the fake drug, which you can watch below.The evaluation has psychiatrist Dr. Jonathan Banks (Jude Law) ask you some questions to see if you qualify for Ablixa free trial. Afterwards, you can sign up for the Ablixa newsletter, and you learn that the company that makes the drug is called Hoffman Benelux. Sounds like a simple drug, but as the film’s title suggests, there are some serious (yet unknown) side effects. They could have something to do with the known side effects of sleepwalking and/or suicide, but for now, it’s a mystery.The film stars Rooney Mara as a New York woman who is prescribed Ablixa by Dr. Banks due to anxiety about her husband (Channing Tatum) returning from prison. However, the drug has unintended and severe side effects. Catherine Zeta-Jones also stars in the film, which is due out on February 8th.We’ll keep an eye out to see if this marketing stunt becomes a full-blown campaign. Both the film’s concept and the marketing are very reminiscent of the Limitless campaign, which was ironically limited, so I don’t expect much.Check out the trailer for Side Effects below, and remember to Take Back Tomorrow.Source: ComingSoon (via First Showing) ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos AblixaSide EffectsViral video
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Dead Drops Found, Countdown Ends This Morning February 14, 2012March 21, 2012Yesterday we reported that there dead drops in various cities as part of Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign. Since all the items have now been collected, the viral website’s countdown is out in the open for everyone to see. Now what? Read More
Weyland Industries Are Looking For New Recruits For Project Prometheus May 30, 2012August 4, 2012To help with the marketing for Prometheus, Fox and Mircosoft Internet Explorer have teamed up for a new direction in the viral marketing for the film. The new aspect of the viral campaign involves you the user testing your physical and cognitive capabilities. Hit the jump to find out just… Read More
Viral Video: 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes April 1, 2010November 23, 2010Back in January, we showed you a video with the 100 cheesiest movie quotes. The video is part of a series on YouTube channel of user “hh edits“, who has movie news site called Pajiba. This week we get another compilation from the video editor titled “160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger… Read More