Reddit News: Fan-Made Posters, Found Movie Connections, and More!! Dan Koelsch, January 21, 2013 Like many people, I lurk around Reddit during my downtime, and I find some pretty interesting stuff. Sometimes that stuff relates to movies and television, so I feel obligated to share it with our readers. After the break, check out what’s been making the rounds on Reddit recently. We know that movie posters like to use the contrasting colors of blue and orange, but now we have proof that trailers do as well. Check out this Hue Density from Box Office Quant.Check out these really cool posters for the 1927 film Metropolis. Continuing the gallery train, here’s one that shows backstage your favorite movie moments.Here are some GIFs of a young Christoph Waltz.It looks like R2-D2 is in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.If you’ve seen Michael Clayton, you might have missed this connection in the film.Check out some of Pascal Witaszeck’s professional-looking fake movie posters.Here’s a hand-painted poster for The Incredibles.Lightsabers are dangerous.A Redditor found the connection between Django Unchained and the rest of Quentin Tarantino’s movieverse.Here’s a fan-made cinemograph movie poster. Social Networks Viral News Reddit
Viral Video Round Up: Lost, Inception, Jeff Goldblum, And More! January 13, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Social Networks Star Wars And Marvel Geek It Out On Twitter January 23, 2014January 23, 2014Forget the talk about Batman versus Superman. The big rivalry happening this week is between Star Wars and Marvel via their Twitter accounts. What started as an “AskStarWars” Twitter event turned into a hilarious back and forth ribbing between the two brands. Even Iron Man jumped into the fray. Check… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Updates February 14, 2012March 21, 2012If you’ve been following along, a twitter account for the new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, was created and sent out coordinates for several U.S. cities late last week. Following the coordinates, players found Peter Parker’s backpack full of different items, including running shoes and the… Read More