TubeRank Helps You Create Viral Videos Dan Koelsch, February 12, 2013 Viral videos are difficult to make. How can you be sure that your video will inspire people to share and talk about it? TubeRank is an online app from VAN that is designed specifically to help you come up with ideas with viral potential. Just select the triggers, interests, and UGC vs. branded, and you’ll get a report that includes videos that are already viral and match your conditions. After the jump, watch the promotional video and read the press release for more information. App makes viral video-making easySpecialist viral agency RubberRepublic has launched an app called TubeRank to help agencies and brands produce viral video hits.TubeRank is designed to be used at the creative and planning stages of the campaign process, providing a mix of creative inspiration and viral benchmarking data to help create the most viral videos possible.The app has been developed over the last 12 months off the back of a research programme involving over 40 agencies aimed at understanding what makes people share videos and how to make shareable content.TubeRank works by ranking YouTube videos according to their *conversation triggers* and *communities of interest* – the two key ingredients for viral success.TubeRank’s algorithm then adds a layer of social data to each video (e.g. share / sentiment data), which, combined with trigger and interest data, provides an understanding of the viral behaviour of a video i.e. why a video’s shared, where it’s shared and how much it’s shared.Using this structured video data, agencies can make specific searches for videos to get inspiration for what triggers conversations in particular communities. For example, if you searched for *EPIC + Automotive* the top ranking video shown is BMW’s *The Fastest Christmas Song in the World*. each specific search, TubeRank provides custom benchmarking data, tips and insight to help build a fuller viral strategy, as well as a custom downloadable report to share with colleagues and clients.The app formally launches today, however it has been tested in beta over the last few months and was successfully used in the early design stages of Fiat’s Motherhood viral, which has hit over 3 million views since launch in December. co-founder Chris Quigley commented “The idea behind TubeRank is to help share the expertise we’ve gained producing viral hits like Bodyform’s Facebook Response and Mercedes Catch. We already work with lots of agencies and brands, however TubeRank allows people around the world to benefit from our expertise and help create more YouTube hits.”TubeRank is part of a new suite of app’s Rubber Republic has launched called VAN, designed to help all parts of the viral video making process.Useful links – TubeRank: TubeRank video: RubberRepublic: Apps Viral Marketing Viral News tuberank
“Robocop” Remake Goes Viral With OmniCorp Website July 7, 2012We’ve seen almost nothing from the 2013 Robocop remake that stars Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Joel Kinnaman as the title character. Fortunately, MGM is changing that with a new viral website for OmniCorp, the company featured in the original series and now the reboot. Hit the jump for… Read More
Did You Know Bangkok Dangerous Had a Viral Campaign? February 13, 2010February 13, 2010The 2008 film Bangkok Dangerous flew under most people’s radar when it was released (with a budget of $45 million, it only made $15 million at the box office). Most bloggers and film critics wrote off the Nicolas Cage action flick completely (it got a measly 9% on Rotten Tomatoes)…. Read More
Bruno, Another Comedy With Viral? June 1, 2009May 3, 2010NOTE: Yes, I know it’s old, but I felt the need to point it out in light of last night’s appearance on the MTV Movie Awards. The official “meinspace” page for Bruno has launched, and what can I say? It’s very funny. From the German disco music, to every Matthew… Read More