New Character-Inspired Posters Released For New Season of “Arrested Development” David Weaver, April 11, 2013 Netflix and show creator Mitchell Hurwitz have been working on these upcoming new episodes for the return of Arrested Development for what seems like an eternity now, but with a scant few weeks left until we get reaquinted with the dysfunctional Bluth and Funke families, the show’s Facebook page has let loose some rather inspired pieces of art work to let us know the wait won’t be much longer. Check out these new character ‘influenced’ posters after the break.In a neat twist on the usual marketing tools we have become accustomed to, and in keeping with the wry sense of humor the legion of rabid fans know and love from the show, these new character posters don’t actually feature the characters/actors at all. Instead, what we get are some subtle and not so subtle nods to each character that represents their distinct and wildly outrageous personalities.From a credit card inside a block of ice for Lindsay Bluth (Portia De Rossi) and her incessant spending sprees, a banana and manager tag for George Michael’s (Michael Cera) frozen banana stand near Balboa island and Tobias Funke (David Cross) with both a coffee mug covered in some mysterious blue paint and a rather high cut pair of jean shorts, these are some really fun and inventive ways to get the hype machine running for an event over 8 years in the making. Have a look at the posters below and see if you can determine which character each represents. You can see the all new episodes for Arrested Development exclusively on Netflix Instant starting May 26th. Social Networks Viral Marketing Arrested DevelopmentMitchell HurtwitzNetflixStreaming
“Monsters University” Website Defaced For April Fools April 7, 2013Briefly: We are a bit late on this one, but as the saying goes, it’s better than never. On April Fools, the Monsters University school website was defaced by rival school Fear Tech. The site is back to normal now, but you can see a full image of the destruction… Read More
“I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Experience” Is the Most Extreme Teambuilding Event Ever November 22, 2012November 22, 2012Are you an office manager looking for ways to bring your employees together? Are you having trouble finding a good teambuilding event that will get their competitive juices flowing? Maybe you should try eating bugs. That’s what one event agency is offering in the UK. Called the “I’m A Celebrity… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: thevfxbro May 29, 2012May 28, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More