Vince Vaughn and SNL Take On Al Pacino, The Weather Channel, and More Dan Koelsch, April 14, 2013April 14, 2013 Vince Vaughn hosted Saturday Night Live last night to promote his upcoming film The Internship. The show included skits about Al Pacino’s biopics, a dramatic show on The Weather Channel, and NBC Sports. Check out the clips of these sketches after the break, and watch the full episode on Viral Marketing Viral Videos Saturday Night Live
Puss In Boots is the Most Interesting Cat In The World September 12, 2011September 12, 2011Dreamworks Animation went meme on us with a video for Puss In Boots that parodies the popular Dos Equis commercial starring the Most Interesting Man In The World. Check out the video after the break. He doesn’t always drink milk, but when he does… Read More
How Much is Thor’s Castle Worth? November 5, 2013Asgard is a beautiful and magical place, so of course you were wondering how much it costs to live in the towering castle of Thor and Odin. Right? Well, the guys at Movoto did the research and figured out all the important real estate info on Thruthvangar/Thrudvangar. Get ready to… Read More
Tweet to See an Early Screening of “The Hunger Games” In Your Hometown February 29, 2012February 29, 2012Just 24 days remain until the release of Gary Ross’ adaptation of The Hunger Games, and to celebrate Lionsgate is allowing you, the fan, to see an early release of the movie via twitter. Only the top four will receive the prize based on how many people tweet a hashtag… Read More