Microsoft and Lionsgate Team Up for “The Hunger Games Explorer” Dan Koelsch, April 15, 2013 If you’re looking for a more interactive experience when it comes to The Hunger Games film series, then you’re in luck. In preparation for Catching Fire, Lionsgate and Microsoft have partnered to bring you The Hunger Games Explorer, an customizable hub for all things Panem. Get the details after the break. PC Mag has much of the details of this new endeavor, which is designed especially for touch screen tablets to show off Internet Explorer 10 and HTML5. The site is populated with the latest news on the film, as well a plethora of links to social media and other relevant websites. Even fans get some screen time thanks to smaller squares filling in the gaps. Check out the behind-the-scenes video below for more details on the promotional project.The Hunger Games: Catching Fire opens November 22nd. The site is bit overwhelming for my taste, but let us know what you think of it in the comments below. Viral Marketing The Hunger GamesThe Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Exclusive Interview: Greg Broadmore of Weta Workshop (District 9 Designer) September 15, 2009January 8, 2010When you were watching District 9, what was your favorite part? For some of you it was when Wikus took control of the Exo suit and led Christopher back to his son. For others it may be when Christopher and his son began ascending to the mother ship; personally, my… Read More
The Office: The Halpert Baby Has A Blog February 12, 2010Following last week’s release of the Sabre Corp. website, NBC has gone live with another viral blog for The Office. This time it’s the “Halpert Baby Blog.” Maintained by Pam Halpert herself, the page offers some intriguing facts about the impending addition to Halpert family. So far, there’s an entry… Read More
Rocket Poppeteers Tweets Comic-Con Updates July 23, 2010October 18, 2010One of the things that Dan had mentioned he missed while in the streets of San Diego, was an ice cream truck belonging to Rocketpoppeteers. Well, with the help of a new Twitter account, you don’t have to miss them again. In addition to listing out their stops, they have… Read More