Home Release Review: “Broken City” Dan Koelsch, April 19, 2013April 19, 2013 If you missed the crime thriller Broken City in theaters, then you’ll have a chance to see it again when it releases on Blu-ray next Tuesday. However, if you are more digitally-inclined, you can download the film in HD now on various platforms. Wondering if you should pony up the money? Read my review after the break. Allen Hughes directed the screenplay by Brian Tucker, which details a dirty political race for Mayor of New York City. Mark Wahlberg plays New York City police officer Billy Taggart who is in trial for the murder of the man who raped and murdered Billy’s girlfriend’s teenage sister. Thanks to Mayor Hostetler (Russell Crowe) sweeping some evidence under the rug, the death is ruled self defense, but Taggart has to leave the force. Seven years later, Taggart is a private detective who has trouble collecting from clients. Hostetler is running for re-election, so he hires Taggart to find out who his wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is having an affair with. Taggart finds himself in the middle of a political war that involves murder, backstabbing, and more.The best thing about this movie is the cast. They all give strong performances, especially Crowe, who seems to revel in playing this egomaniac. Unfortunately, the film’s thin plot isn’t as strong. The B story of Taggart’s struggling relationship with his actress girlfriend (Natalie Martinez) feels forced, falling completely flat. She isn’t even in the final half of the film, and it’s not until her exit that the real mystery of this supposed noir begins. The slow pacing is made worse by the lack of and shortness of action beats. I wanted a lot more meat on this bone, especially for a film that tries to dive into political corruption and the 1% during this recession.The digital extras (at least on iTunes) are minimal, with just two featurettes about the making of the film.If you’re looking for a good crime thriller or modern film noir, this movie may not be the right film for you. The solid performances aren’t able to fix this Broken movie.Rating: 2/5 Reviews Broken CityReview
Feedback: What Did You Think of Kick-Ass? April 17, 2010May 1, 2010Matthew Vaughn’s comic book movie Kick-Ass opened up this weekend, and while the reviews have been mostly good, there have been some major detractors, including Roger Ebert himself. But we want to know what YOU think. Leave us a comment below to let us know if you enjoyed the film… Read More
Reviews “Pacific Rim” Review: An Awe-Inspiring Achievement July 12, 2013July 13, 2013I’m a huge fan of Pacific Rim‘s director Guillermo del Toro. I’ve loved every film he’s ever made, because he’s a passionate storyteller of the fantastical and every frame of his movies drip with enthusiasm for the subject matter. He’s extremely adept at integrating unreal fantasy elements (via practical effects or digital effects)… Read More
“Kick-Ass 2” Review: It’s More Of Same, But With Significantly Less Kick This Time Around August 17, 2013It was a modern day Hollywood miracle that the 2010 superhero flick Kick-Ass was even made, let alone that it found a distributor and eventually its way into theaters where it found a small, but modest amount of success. Despite gaining a following of loyal fans, it was ludicrous to… Read More